Long Trail crosses a service road (view NE) |

Across the service road, an information sign (view NE) |

Information sign: A Tasty Operation (view NE) |

Spur trail to overlook (view E) |

Spur trail approaching the overlook (view E) |

Overlook with long views over the WSNA and beyond (view N) |

Information sign: A Place to Cherish (view N) |
Information sign: A View with a Story (view N) |

Overlook with long views over the WSNA and beyond (view NE) |

Back to the Long Trail (view NE) |

Long Trail approaching an exhibit (view NE) |

Short spur to waterwheel exhibit (view NW) |

Information sign: A Power Wheel (view NW) |

Long Trail loops hard to the left (view E) |

Long Trail winding through a mesquite thicket (view W) |

Long Trail winding through a mesquite thicket (view W) |

Short spur trail to a stream-side exhibit (view NW) |

Information sign at stream-side exhibit (view NW) |

Information sign: A Renewed Environment (view NW) |

Aquatic and riparian vegetation along the stream |

Long Trail approaching another service road (view NW) |

Long Trail crosses the service road (view NW) |

Service road; area is closed to the public (view N) |

Sign at edge of service road; area closed to the public (view N) |

Long Trail continues past the service road (view NW) |

Long Trail runs along the stream (view W) |

Long Trail winding through the trees (view W) |

Aquatic and riparian vegetation along the stream (view NW) |

Long Trail approaching another spur trail (view SW) |

Short spur trail departs the Long Trail (view N) |

End of the short spur trail (view NW) |

Information sign: A Fluid Convergence (view NE) |

Long Trail continues into open area with corrals (view SW) |

Short spur trail to cattle operations exhibit (view S) |

Information sign: A Scale of Time (view S) |

Exhibit about weighing cattle (view S) |

Long Trail continues past the corrals (view W) |

Short spur trail to a stream-side exhibit (view W) |

Aquatic and riparian vegetation along the stream (view W) |

Back on the Long Trail (view S) |

Another short spur trail to a stream-side sign (view W) |

Information sign: An Area Full of Life (view S) |

Long Trail continuing past the end of the corral (view S) |

A short loop trail to a boardwalk along a stream (view S) |

Boardwalk along a stream (view SW) |

Information sign: A Place to Call Home (view E) |

Stream below the boardwalk |

Stream below the boardwalk |

Loop trail exits the boardwalk |

Loop exits to Long Trail; Long Trail crosses service road (view SE) |

Long Trail winds through desert vegetation (view E) |

Long Trail approaching an information sign (view SE) |

Information sign: An Island of Biodiversity (view S) |

Long Trail winds through desert vegetation (view SW) |

Long Trail winds through desert vegetation (view SE) |

Long Trail winds through desert vegetation (view SE) |

Long Trail approaching three information signs (view SE) |

Three information signs (view SW) |

Information sign: map plus rules and regulations (view SW) |

Information sign: An Island in a Sea of Desert (view SW) |

Information sign: A Protected Natural Area (view SW) |

Long Trail returning to the parking area (view SE) |