Entrance pavilion at the Wetlands Park (view E) |
Parking and access to the preserve is now through the southwest corner of the area off Hollywood Lane just north of Wetlands Park Lane. A temporary Information Center is located in the same area, inside the fenced maintenance yard.
For details of the site, access, directions, maps, GPS coordinates, and contact information, see Birding Around the Clark County Wetlands Park. |

Boardwalk over a pond |
The Wetlands Park Nature Preserve is a mix of ponds and creeks that draws water from Las Vegas Wash. The area attracts many birds and dragonflies, but the vegetation is so overgrown in many places that it can block views of the water. The staff is trying to manage the overgrown vegetation, so there are at least a few places to look over the ponds. The staff is actively planting the area trying to reestablish semi-native conditions.
The Wetlands Park is a nice place to go for a quiet walk and watch a few birds and dragonflies. It is located out on the edge of town, so if you mostly look north or east, you can almost forget that you are in Las Vegas. |

Pond with riparian vegetation
Species Seen at the Wetlands Park
Dragonflies: Anax junius (common green darner), Rhionaeschna multicolor (blue-eyed darner), Erythemis collocata (western pondhawk), Libellula comanche (comanche skimmer), Libellula luctuosa (widow skimmer), Libellula saturata (flame skimmer), Pachydiplax longipennis (blue dasher), Pantala hymenaea (spot-winged glider), Perithemis intensa (mexican amberwing), Sympetrum corruptum (variegated meadowhawk), Tramea lacerata (black saddlebag).
Damselflies: Argia moesta (powdered dancer), Argia sedula (blue-ringed dancer), Argia vivida (vivid dancer), Enallagma civile (familiar bluet), Ischnura barberi (desert forktail), Ischnura denticollis (black-fronted forktail), Ischnura ramburii (rambur'sĀ forktail), Hetaerina americana (american rubyspot). |