Hiker on steep hillside with trail held up by a rock wall (view SW) |

The trail into the bottom of the canyon is clearly visible (view SW) |

Hiker on trail traversing gentle hillside (view W) |

Hiker on trail traversing gentle hillside (view W) |

Hiker on trail traversing gentle hillside (view W) |

Hiker on steepening trail (view SW) |

Hiker on steepening trail (view SW) |

Hiker descending steep trail (view SW) |

Hiker descending steep trail (view SW) |

Steep trail on ridgetop with rusty water pipe (view SW) |

Be careful passing to the outside of the boulders! (view SW) |

Hiker on a bit of not-so-steep trail (view W) |

Hiker on more-gentle ridge (view S) |

Trail following water pipe down gentle ridgeline (view S) |

Hiker arriving at tram towers (view S) |

Tram towers with cables (view S) |

Ore buckets can be seen hanging from the cables (view S) |

Steep trail parallels tramway down the ridge (view SW) |

Tram towers (view NW from nice lunch spot) |

Hiker descending fairly steep ridgeline (view SW) |

Hiker approaching the mill area (view S) |

Hiker arriving back at the mill information sign (view S) |

Hiker at signs below mill site (view E) |

Hiker departing mill site (view E) |

Tailing muds and mining debris in the wash below the mill (view W) |

Tailing muds and mining debris in the wash below the mill (view W) |

Tailing muds and mining debris in the wash below the mill (view W) |

Hiker returning to the trailhead (view S) |