Combined Coyote-Jackrabbit trails angle left at the kiosk (view N) |

Jackrabbit Trail departing the kiosk (view NW) |

Jackrabbit Trail runs out past the kiosk (view NW) |

Coyote Trail approaching the Cement Pond (view NW) |

Bridge over Corn Creek Stream (springs to the right; view N) |

Cement Pond (view W from the bridge) |

A birder spots something interesting (view W) |

Cement Pond (view W from the bridge) |

Water control structure intended to keep crayfish out of the pond |

Water control structure intended to keep crayfish out of the pond |

Look for Pahrump Poolfish in the Cement Pond (view W) |

Pahrump Poolfish in the Cement Pond (view W) |

Pahrump Poolfish in the Cement Pond (view W) |

Departing the Cement Pond (view W) |

Continuing across the bridge (view N) |

Trail forks: Jackrabbit Trail turns right (view N) |

Jackrabbit Trail runs up along Corn Creek Stream (view E) |

Jackrabbit Trail runs past willow trees (view E) |

Jackrabbit Trail runs past invasive Common Reed (view E) |

Jackrabbit Trail approaching stream flow gauge (view SE) |

Stream flow gauge (view SE) |

Stream flow gauge transmits information to the cloud in real time |

Stream flow is measured at the small dam (view SE) |

Stream flow is measured at the small dam (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail approaching information sign (view SE) |

Information sign (view S) |

Information sign: Keeping Tabs on the Flow (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail continues past information sign (view E) |

Willow trees and view of Corn Creek stream (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail approaching a trail junction (view E) |

Directional sign at Jackrabbit-Bighorn trail junction (view N) |

Information sign at the trail junction (view E) |

Jackrabbit Trail turn right at trail junction (view SE) |

Information sign at T-intersection: Corn Creek Spring (view S) |

Information sign at the intersection (view S) |

Jackrabbit Trail crosses back over Corn Creek Stream (view SE) |

Bridge over Corn Creek Stream (view SE) |

Corn Creek downstream (view SW) |

Corn Creek downstream (view SW) |

Corn Creek upstream (view NE) |

Corn Creek upstream; sometimes hard to see water (view NE) |

Jackrabbit Trail crosses over the bridge (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail approaching the veranda (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail under the veranda (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail exiting the veranda (view SE) |

Bench and left information sign |

Sheep and Las Vegas mountains (view SE from the bench) |

Spring and LaMadre mountains (view SW from the bench) |

Jackrabbit Trail passing beyond the veranda (view SE) |

Jackrabbit Trail bends right into the desert (view SW) |

Jackrabbit Trail winds across the desert (view SW) |

Jackrabbit Trail winds back towards the Visitor Center (view SW) |

Jackrabbit Trail at pet waste station (view SW) |

Pet waste station: don't leave poop on the ground (view E) |

Jackrabbit Trail approaching the information kiosk (view W) |

Backside of information kiosk (view NW) |

Trails to front and back of the Visitor Center (view NW) |

Hiker exiting outside the Visitor Center (view SW) |