Edge of flats; approaching top of rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker starting over the edge into the rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker descending the rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker descending the rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker descending the rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker at the base of the rocky gully (view NE) |

Hiker at the base of the rocky gully |

Approaching the top of the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker at the top of the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker at the top of the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker starting down the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker on the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker on the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker below the 3rd-class scramble |

Hiker below the headwall (view S) |

Hiker starting down summit ridge |

Hiker arriving at the funny rocks (view SE) |

Hiker beyond the funny rocks |

Hiker descending the ridge (view S) |

Hiker approaching trail junction on the ridge (view S) |

Hiker at trail junction (view S) |

Hiker descending the ridge (view S) |

Continuing down the ridgeline (view S) |

Hiker below a steep section (view SW) |

View across the slope towards Boulder City (view W) |

Hiker continuing out the ridge (view S) |

Hiker descending a rocky section (view SW) |

Hiker descending the ridge (view SW) |

Hiker descending the ridge (view SW) |

Hiker approaching the trailhead (view SW) |