Distances to various places (view N) |

Second sign (view N) |

Sign: Rough road next 16 miles; 4x4 recommended (view N) |

Speed limit sign: 25 mph (view N) |

Two more signs ahead (view N) |

Sign: Vehicles permitted on approved roads (view N) |

Signs: Spirit Mtn and Bridge Canyon Wilderness areas; road number |

Signs: Spirit Mtn and Bridge Canyon Wilderness areas; road number |

Christmas Tree Pass Road (view N) |

Sign: No shooting area (view N) |

Approaching blind curve (view N) |

Graded road with washboards (view N) |

Christmas Tree Pass Rd approaching Grapevine Canyon Rd (view N) |

Christmas Tree Pass Rd approaching Grapevine Canyon Rd (view N) |

Sign: Grapevine Canyon Road to the left (view N) |

Grapevine Canyon Road (view W Christmas Tree Pass Road) |

CTP Road continues across Grapevine Wash (view N) |

Over the hill, CTP Road bends to the right (view N) |

Bending to the right (view N) |

The road descends into Sacatone Canyon (view N) |

Sign regarding no hunting zones (view N) |

CTP Road approaching Sacatone Wash trailhead parking (view N) |

CTP Road dipping across Sacatone Wash (view N) |

Sacatone Wash Road (view W from CTP Road) |

Sign at entrance to parking area (view W) |

CTP Road heading into the hills (view N) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view NW) |

CTP Road Passing an interesting granite outcrop (view N) |

CTP Road approaching Pipe Spring Road (view N) |

CTP Road at Pipe Spring Road (view N) |

CTP Road bends left to head west (view W) |

CTP Road (view W) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view SW) |

Trailhead parking (view S) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view NW) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view SW) |

CTP Road begins winding towards the pass (view W) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view SW) |

Willow Spring (dry) Trailhead parking (view S) |

Winding into the mountains becomes more serious (view W) |

Winding through the mountains (view W) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view SW) |

Communications towers become visible on the mountain peak ahead |

Bigelow's Nolina blooming above the road (view W) |

CPT Road winding through the mountains (view W) |

CPT Road winding through the mountains (view W) |

Interesting granite rock formations (view W) |

CTP Road crossing Sacatone Wash again (view W) |

Parking on the right (view SW) |

Viewpoint parking on the left (view SW) |

Trailhead parking and short trail to viewpoint (view SE) |

CTP Road descends towards Grapevine Canyon (view S) |

CTP Road at Lake Mead NRA boundary sign (view S) |

Looking back: Lake Mead NRA boundary sign (view NE) |

Looking back: Lake Mead NRA regulations sign (view NE) |

CTP Road descends towards Grapevine Canyon (view S) |

CTP Road turns to cross Grapevine Canyon (view S) |

CTP Road dipping through Grapevine Canyon Wash (view S) |

Upper Grapevine Canyon Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view S) |

Upper Grapevine Canyon Trailhead parking (view S) |

CPT Road begins final climb towards Christmas Tree Pass (view NW) |

A wide spot for parking (view NW) |

CPT Road winding through the mountains (view W) |

Christmas Tree Pass Road (view N) |

West face of Spirit Mountain comes into view (view N) |

CPT Road approaching Spirit Mountain Trailhead (view N) |

CPT Road at Spirit Mountain Trailhead (view N) |

Start of route to Spirit Mountain (don't take this hike lightly; view N) |

CPT Road passing Spirit Mountain Trailhead (view W) |

CPT Road (view W) |

Additional trailhead parking along CTP Road (view S) |

Traversing hillsides below communications towers (view SW) |

Narrow road and steep climb (watch for downhill drivers) |

Exiting the narrow gully (view NW) |

Trailhead parking along CTP Road (view SW) |

CTP Road making final climb to the pass (view SW) |

Campsites atop Christmas Tree Pass (view SW) |

Campsite atop Christmas Tree Pass (view S) |

Descending over Christmas Tree Pass (view W) |

The road winds down at more gentle grades (view NW) |

Campsites along CTP Road (view S) |

Campsites along CTP Road (view S) |

The road descends an unnamed canyon (view W) |

The road descends an unnamed canyon (view W) |

The road eventually climbs out of the unnamed canyon (view SW) |

Road above the unnamed wash (view W) |

The road descends the open desert bajada (view W) |

Popular campsite along CTP Road (view S) |

Descending the open desert bajada (view W) |

Descending the open desert bajada (view W) |

Passing the wooden-pole powerline road (view W) |

Passing the two metal-tower powerline roads (view W) |

Entering the final S-curve (view SW) |

Passing the final S-curve (view SW) |

Exiting the final S-curve (view SW) |

CTP Road runs long and straight toward bottom of the valley (view W) |

CTP Road approaching Highway 95 (view W) |

Cattle guard at Highway 95 roadside fence (view W) |

Information kiosk (view S from Christmas Tree Pass Road) |

Christmas Tree Pass Road at Highway 95 (view W) |