First bench overlooking Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Trail descends into Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Lots of Rubber Rabbitbrush in Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Descending into Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Trail descends past a patch of Gambel Oak (view SW) |

Northern Sagebrush Lizard along the trail |

The Kunav Huveep Trail turns left ahead (view SW) |

The Kunav Huveep Trail turns left (view SW) |

Trail marker: The Kunav Huveep Trail (view S) |

Other side of trail marker: Pack Rat, Escarpment trails (view E) |

The Kunav Huveep Trail head east on red gravel (view E) |

In July 2019, the trail is washed out; go around on right (view SE) |

Kunav Huveep Trail (view SE) |

Start of the Kunav Huveep loop (view SE) |

Staying left on the Kunav Huveep loop (view SE) |

Kunav Huveep loop bends to the right (view SE) |

Trail junction: Escarpment, Pack Rat trails turn left (view SE) |

Trail junction: Escarpment and Pack Rat trails turn up hill (view SE) |

Trail marker post: Escarpment and Pack Rat trails (view SE) |

Red-gravel trail ends at start of pavement (view SE) |

Trail starts up the paved trail (view SW) |

Acastus Trail forks to the right (view SW) |

The paved trail begins to steepen (view SW) |

Trail junction: Pack Rat Parallel Trail forks left (view SW) |

Trail junction: north end of the Pack Rat Parallel Trail (view SW) |

Trail junction: Pack Rat Parallel Trail forks back to the left (view SW) |

The paved trail is very steep (view SW) |
The grade of the paved trail begins to lessen (view SW) |

The paved trail runs out onto gentle flats (view SW) |

Trail junction: south end of the Pack Rat Parallel Trail (view W) |

Trail runs across gentle flats (view SW) |

Lots of Big Sagebrush on these open flats (view W) |

Pack Rat Trail bends around a hairpin turn to trail junction (view SE) |

Pack Rat Trail runs east; Escarpment Trail runs west (view E) |

Escarpment Trail turns hard to the right and runs west (view W) |

Escarpment Trail marker post (view W) |

Trail runs across Big Sagebrush flats and into open forest |

Shrubs and low conifer trees line the trail (view W) |

Singleleaf Pinyon Pine on the right (view W) |

Stansbury Cliffrose on the left (view W) |

Big Sagebrush on the right (view W) |

Gambel Oak on the left (view W) |
 Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany on the right (view W) |

The grade begins to increase (view W) |

Big Sagebrush and big views on the right (view W) |

The trail climbs at moderate grades (view W) |

Caliche bounder that rolled down from the cliffs (view W) |

Dying White Pine at an unusually low elevation for this species |

Ponderosa Pine on the left (view SW) |

The trail begins to climb at fairly steep grades (view W) |

The trail turns to run due south (view S) |

The first of the benches on the Escarpment Trail (view SE) |

On the steep hillside, a pleasant place to rest (view S) |

The trail winds up brushy slopes (view S) |

Steep trail passes another Ponderosa Pine (view S) |

The trail runs up into a thicket of Mountain Mahogany (view SE) |

The trail bends back towards the top of the cliffs (view E) |

Passing out of the Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany thicket (view E) |

Brushy slopes angling up towards the top of the cliffs (view NE) |

Thickets of Gambel Oak and Mountain Mahogany (view NE) |

Moderate grades and big views (view NE) |

Low-growing Gambel Oak and Big Sagebrush on open slopes (view NE) |

Escarpment Trail approaching the West Bench (view NE) |

Escarpment Trail at the West Bench (view NE) |

Nice view back towards the Visitor Center (view NE) |

The trail continues upward past the bench (view E) |

Approaching the high-point on the Escarpment Trail (view E) |

First good view of the Escarpment Cliffs (view NE) |

Zoom-view of the Escarpment Cliffs (view NE) |

Sulphur Buckwheat in bloom along the trail |

From the high-point, the trail begins a gradual descent (view E) |

Gradual descent as the trail winds across the slopes (view E) |
Nevada Goldeneye |

Trail traverses open hillsides (view E) |

Trail traverses dense shrub thickets (view E) |

Pointleaf Manzanita on the left (view NE) |

Evidence of a fire long ago (view NE) |

Escarpment Trail at the Middle Bench (view NE) |

Grand scenery near the Middle Bench (view N) |

Grand scenery near the Middle Bench (view NE) |

A view towards the Visitor Center (view NE) |

The trail runs at gentle grades atop the cliffs (view NE) |

Turning to contour around a gully (view SE) |

Contouring out of the gully (view NE) |

A view towards the Resort (view N) |

Big views down Kyle Canyon (view NE) |

Sometimes the trail runs near the cliff edge (view N) |

Sometimes the trail runs back in the shrub thickets (view E) |

Sometimes Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany shades the trail (view NE) |

Open hillside (view N towards the Visitor Center) |

More and more open views (view NE) |

Big view into Kyle Canyon (view NE) |

Escarpment Trail at the Overlook (view N) |

The Overlook (view N towards the Visitor Center) |

The Overlook (view NE towards the Sheep Range) |

Be careful where you sit at the Overlook (Grizzlybear Cactus) |

Be careful where you sit at the Overlook (Rock Mat) |

Escarpment Trail departing the Overlook (view S) |

From the Overlook, the trail runs into the back of a gully (view S) |

Continuing through trees and shrubs (view NE) |

Open landscape atop the cliffs (view NE) |

A tall Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany on the right (view NE) |

Open landscape atop the cliffs (view NE) |

The trail bends right to stay atop the cliffs (view SE) |

Singleleaf Pinyon Pine and Mt. Mahogany along the trail (view SE) |

Lots of Pointleaf Manzanita on these open hillsides (view SE) |

More evidence of old fires (view SE) |

More Pointleaf Manzanita on the open hillsides (view SE) |

Approaching the "high point" on the east end of the trail (view S) |

The "high point;" lots of downhill past this point (view S) |

Starting down to get below the cliffs (view S) |

Approaching the East Bench (view S) |

East Bench at a big switchback (view S) |

The trail switchbacks at the East Bench (view N from bench) |

Big views down the gully (view NE) |

Banana Yucca and Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany (view NE) |

Getting down below the level of the cliffs (view N) |

The trail traverses below the cliffs (view N) |

Bridge Penstemon along the trail (view N) |

A hardy Pinyon Pine growing from a crack in a boulder (view N) |

Most of the trail in this area descends at gentle grades (view N) |

Another boulder along the trail (view N) |

Continuing gentle grades (view N) |

The trail turns to descend steeply below the cliffs (view N) |

The trail runs around a point of the cliffs (view E) |

The trail runs around a point of the cliffs (view N) |

Parry's Lipfern growing on shady side of a boulder |

Turning the corner (view W) |

The trail runs along shrub and tree covered hillside (view W) |

Gentle grades in this area (view W) |

The trail winds up around the head of a gully (view SW) |

Turning across the head of the gully (view N) |

Trail returns to views up Kyle Canyon (view W) |

Winding back towards the cliffs (view SW) |

Gentle flats with Big Sagebrush (view W) |

Another old, burned-out tree (view W) |

Winding through Big Sagebrush and Pinyon Pines (view W) |

Gentle grades through groves of Mountain Mahogany (view W) |

One last good look up at the Escarpment Cliffs (view SW) |

Arriving at a junction with the Pack Rat Trail (view SW) |

Looking back at the Escarpment Trail marker post (view E) |

The trail begins the steep descent towards the wash (view NE) |

The Pack Rat Trail gets very steep (view N) |

Very steep Pack Rat Trail (view N) |

Pack Rat Trail bends to wind across the hillside (view NE) |

Not so steep (view E) |

Approaching a bench on a hairpin turn (view E) |

The turn at the bench (view W) |

Descending past the bench (view N) |
The Pack Rat Trail gets very steep again (view N) |

Pack Rat Trail approaching Kyle Canyon Wash (view NE) |

The Pack Rat Trail at the end of the pavement (view NE) |

The trail just ends; hikers wind down through the bushes (view W) |

Pack Rat Trail seems to just follow the wash (view W) |

Smoothstem Blazingstar in the wash (view W) |

Pack Rat Trail returning to the washed-out Kunav Huveep Trail |

Returning to Kunav Huveep Trail at the washout (view N) |

Kunav Huveep Trail continues (view NW) |

Kunav Huveep Trail approaching a trail junction (view W) |

Trail marker seen before (view N) |

Kunav Huveep Trail turns at trail junction and goes uphill (view NE) |

Kunav Huveep Trail climbing out of the canyon (view NE) |

Kunav Huveep Trail climbing the hillside (view E) |

Kunav Huveep Trail climbing the hillside (view E) |

The bench at the top comes into view (view E) |

Returning to the bench (view NE) |

The Visitor Center building is visible from the bench (view N) |

Returning towards the Visitor Center (view N) |

In case you missed it: that's the Visitor Center (view NW) |

Returning to the outdoor amphitheater (view N) |