Walkway to the Visitor Center (view W) |

Bridge to the Visitor Center (view W) |

Approaching the Visitor Center front doors (view SW) |

Walkway to the trails and back porch (view S) |

Overlooking the outdoor amphitheater (view SE) |

Exit from the outdoor amphitheater (view SE) |

Sign: Hiking Trails straight ahead (view S) |

Trail marker: Kunav Huveep Trail with red gravel |

Sign: Trails in the Visitor Center area (note: North is at the bottom) |

Sign: Kunav Huveep Trail (edited to reflect reality) |

First bench overlooking Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Trail descends into Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Descending into Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Descending into Kyle Canyon Wash (view W) |

Trail descends into Kyle Canyon Wash (view SW) |

Northern Sagebrush Lizard along the trail |

The Kunav Huveep Trail turns left ahead (view SW) |

The Kunav Huveep Trail turns left (view SW) |

Trail marker: The Kunav Huveep Trail (view S) |

Other side of trail marker: Pack Rat, Escarpment trails (view E) |

The Kunav Huveep Trail head east on red gravel (view E) |

In July 2019, the trail was washed out (view SE) |

The trail goes down the wash (view E) |

The trail runs down the wash (view E) |

Before reaching trees, the trail exits the wash to the right (view E) |

After winding through bushes, hikers find the paved trail (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

A bench provides a place to stop and rest (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

The trail runs steeply up the hillside to the cliffs (view S) |

Packrat Trail at east end of Escarpment Trail (view SW) |

The trail bends to the right under the cliffs (view SW) |

Approaching a bench and the Cold War exhibit (view SW) |

Sign: Silent Heroes of the Cold War |

Close-up of sign: Silent Heroes of the Cold War |

Telescope to see the plane crash site atop Mt Charleston (view NW) |

On gentle slopes now, the trail runs beneath the cliffs (view W) |

The trail enters a shady alcove where packrats live (view SW) |

Cute little Desert Woodrat, also known as a Packrat |

Packrat midden (view SE) |

Packrat (Desert Woodrat) midden (view SE) |

Interesting cliff-loving plant community under the alcove (view S) |

A fairly rare plant with interesting flowers: Jaeger's Mousetail |

Exiting the alcove, the trail continues across the hillside (view N) |

Part of the paved trail is covered with gravel (view W) |

One gets the impression that the boulder fell recently (view W) |

The paved trail resumes on a gentle grade (view W) |

The Packrat Trail passes the west end of the Escarpment Trail |

The Packrat Trail loops back towards the east (view E) |

Gentle downhill slopes heading east (view E) |

Gentle downhill slopes heading east (view E) |

The Packrat Trail splits; main trail stays left (view NE) |

Staying left on the main trail (view NE) |

The Packrat Trail descends steeply (view NE) |

The Packrat Trail descends steeply (view NE) |

The Parallel Trail rejoins the main Packrat Trail (view NE) |

The Packrat Trail continues to descend steeply (view NE) |

Packrat Trail continues to descend steeply (view NE) |

Paved trail ends; hikers continue down red-gravel trail (view N) |

Packrat Trail continues on red-gravel trail (view N) |

Packrat Trail approaching Kunav Huveep Trail (view N) |

Packrat Trail turn right onto Kunav Huveep Trail (view N) |

More to come ... |

Returning into the bottom of Kyle Canyon (view N) |

Kunav Huveep Trail crossing Kyle Wash (view N) |

Kunav Huveep Trail continues across the wash (view NW) |

Kunav Huveep Trail approaching a trail junction (view W) |

Trail marker seen before (view N) |

Kunav Huveep Trail turns at trail junction and goes uphill (view NE) |

Kunav Huveep Trail climbing out of the canyon (view NE) |

Kunav Huveep Trail climbing the hillside (view E) |

The bench at the top comes into view (view E) |

Returning to the bench (view NE) |

The Visitor Center building is visible from the bench (view N) |

Returning towards the Visitor Center (view N) |

In case you missed it: that's the Visitor Center (view NW) |

Returning to the outdoor amphitheater (view N) |