Trail Canyon Trailhead Road (view W from Echo Road) |

Trailhead parking (view north towards the trail) |

Echo Road at directional sign near turnoff (view N) |

Trailhead sign at entrance to parking area (view W) |

Restroom at head of parking area (view S) |

Passenger vehicles stay to the left (view S) |

Vehicles with trailers (and RVs?) stay to the right (view S) |

Walking from parking to trail; toilets on the left (view N) |

Trail Canyon trailhead (view N) |

Trail Canyon trailhead (view N) |

Trail information sign and bench (view N) |

Trail information sign; left panel (view N) |

Trail information sign; center panel (view N) |

Trail information sign; right panel (view N) |

Beginning of Trail Canyon Trail (view N) |

Trail Canyon Trail approaching an information sign (view N) |

Trail Canyon Trail at information sign (view N) |

Information sign: Stop the spread of invasive weeds |

Base of sign has a boot brush to wipe weed seeds from boots |

Wiping weed seeds from boots |

Trail Canyon Trail approaching another information sign (view N) |

Information sign: Please Stay on the Trail |

Trail Canyon Trail heading into the wilderness (view N) |

Signs along M.J. Road say "do not enter" (view NW) |

Trail Canyon Trailhead parking (view N from Mary Jane Fall Road) |

More to come ... |