First Girl Scout Trail marker along the old road (view W) |

Girl Scout Trail marker along the old road (view W) |

Girl Scout Trail continues on old road (view W) |

Girl Scout Trail approaching Ash Spring Trail (view W) |

Ash Spring Trail (view N from Girl Scout Trail) |

Crossing Ash Canyon Wash (view SE) |

Girl Scout Trail approaching another access to Ash Spring Trail |

Second Girl Scout Trail marker along the old road (view W) |

Approaching trail junction where Girl Scout Trail leaves road (view W) |

Girl Scout Trail departs the old road (view SW) |

Trail marker at junction (view W) |

Trail marker at junction (view W) |

Girl Scout Trail climbs to another trail marker (view SW) |

Girl Scout Trail runs on gentle terrain (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail passes a boulder that fell from cliffs (view S) |

Parts of Girl Scout Trail are smooth (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail runs on gentle terrain (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail crosses flat, open country (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail descends towards a small wash (view S) |

Another trail marker (view S) |

Perhaps an old well? |

Girl Scout Trail approaching a small wash (view S during summer) |

Hiker crossing the small wash (view S during winter) |

The streambed is dry during summer |

Just a trickle during winter |
Ash trees along the streambed (view E; downstream) |

Ash trees along the streambed (view W; upstream) |

Girl Scout Trail climbs out of the small wash (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail climbs gently across the hillside (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail runs gently across the hillside (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail stays right past an old trail (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail crosses flat, open country (view S) |

Picnic tables from a failed commercial campground (view SE) |

Girl Scout Trail stays right against the cliffs (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail runs along the base of the cliffs (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail runs along the base of the cliffs (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail approaching Guardian Angel Canyon (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail turning towards Guardian Angel Canyon (view S) |

Girl Scout Trail descending into Guardian Angel Canyon (view SW) |

Girl Scout Trail stays right at another old trail junction (view SW) |

Girl Scout Trail turning towards Guardian Angel Canyon (view SW) |

Trail runs down at a moderate grade (view SW) |

Trail stays right at another old use-trail (view SW) |

Girl Scout Trail ends at Calico Basin Trail (view SW) |

The trail continues into Guardian Angel Canyon (view NW) |

More to come ... |