Southern Nevada Liteweight Road (view E) |

Liteweight Road begins to curve north (view E) |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Road (view N) |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Road at end of pavement (Site 1196) |

What are these guys doing out here? |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Road -- graded dirt (view NE) |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Rd at Hidden Valley Road (view E) |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Rd at Hidden Valley Road (view E) |

Southern Nevada Liteweight Rd at Hidden Valley Road (view N) |

Hidden Valley Road (view N; note fence on right) |

Fork in the road: take middle way (view N) |

Fork in the road: take middle way (view N) |

Hidden Valley Road with carsonite sign (view N) |

Hidden Valley Road stays right (view N) |

Hidden Valley Road; gravel firms up the deep playa dust (view N) |

The road forks -- stay left (view N) |

Hidden Valley Road; more gravel view N) |

Hidden Valley Road stays left (view N) |

The road forks (Site 1202); stay right |

Hidden Valley Road (view N) |

Most of Hidden Valley Road is nice and smooth ... |

... but parts can wash out and have a few rocks |

Triangular T-intersection; stay right (View NE) |

Hidden Valley Road turning into trailhead parking (view NE) |

Hidden Valley Road entering trailhead parking (view NE) |

Trailhead parking; bit enough for horse trailers (view NE) |

Trailhead parking (view NE) |

Hidden Valley Trailhead (BLM 300; view NE) |

More to come ... |