January 11. Duncans to Windsor and Copse.
Up early, we drove into the Cockpit Country at Windsor. We birded the forest and a coffee plantation where Matt's students were catching birds. We saw a Bananaquit, White-throated Thrush, Yellow-shouldered Grassquit, and Ovenbird in the hand.
After lunch at Windsor Research Station, we stopped briefly at the Falmouth Highway Ponds and saw herons, American Coots, Common Gallinules, and Caribbean Coots.
Continuing, we drove to Montego Bay and turned south to Copse. The Copse House is at the edge of a rural area overlooking a large plantation. We birded the grounds before dinner, seeing Jamaican Peewees, Sad Flycatchers, and lots of Orangequits. Later, we headed out into the darkness and called in three Jamaican Owls. Back on the porch, we were treated to fireflies and a jungle-full of frogs. |