Cottonwood Pass Trailhead |

We are going that way. |

Entering the Golden Trout Wilderness Area |

Jim and Golden Trout Wilderness Area sign |

I'm heading for that saddle behind me. |

An old trail sign |

Old trail sign |

Our first creek crossing |

Looking back at Liz crossing a stream |

Pretty hiker lady! |

Stopping for lunch with Liz |

Lunch with Liz |

Getting ready to saddle up |

Loaded up and ready to go |

Jim head up ... |

... and stopping to wave good bye |

Liz stopping to wave good bye while heading down |
Liz heading down and disappearing into the forest |

Approaching Cottonwood Pass |

Cottonwood Pass (view E to Horseshoe Meadow) |

Selfie atop Cottonwood Pass (view E) |

Pacific Crest Trail junction (view W) |

Starting north on the Pacific Crest Trail |

Open woodlands along the trail (view NW) |

Pacific Crest Trail at Chicken Spring Lake Trail (view NW) |

Arriving at Chicken Spring Lake (view N) |

Chicken Spring Lake (view N) |

Chicken Spring Lake (view N) |

Chicken Spring Lake (looking back from PCT; view SE) |

Heading north on PCT in late afternoon (view W) |

Smoke from big forest fire on the horizon (view SW) |

Wildflowers along the trail |

Heading north on PCT in late afternoon (view N) |

Entering Sequoia National Park (view NW) |

Entering Sequoia National Park sign (view NW) |

Entering Inyo National Forest sign (looking back; view SE) |

Hiking in Sequoia National Park (view NW) |

Pacific Crest Trail at junction to New Army Pass Trail |

Sign at Pacific Crest Trail -- New Army Pass Trail junction (view S) |

Pacific Crest Trail sign at the trail junction (view W) |