E-T Fresh Jerky (view SE) |

E-T Fresh Jerky (view SE) |

Departing the Highway 93-318 intersection (view NE) |

Sign when departing the Highway 93-318 intersection (view NE) |

Canyon with sharp curve right ahead (view NE) |

Exiting the narrow canyon (view SE) |

Approaching Crystal Wash Entrance Rock Art Site (view SE) |

Approaching Crystal Wash Entrance Rock Art Site (view SE) |

Hwy 93 at Crystal Wash Entrance Rock Art Site (view NE) |

Crystal Wash Entrance Rock Art Site spur road (view N) |

Highway 93 (view SE) |

Approaching Crystal Wash Main Rock Art Site (view NE) |

Hwy 93 at Crystal Wash Main Rock Art Site (view NE) |

Crystal Wash Main Rock Art Site spur road (view N) |

Long, straight road (view NE) |

Really long, straight road (view NE) |

"Will we ever get there" long, straight road (view NE) |

Approaching Pahroc Summit (view E) |

Pahroc Summit; 4,931 ft elevation (view E) |

Long, straight road (view E) |

Long, straight road (view E) |

Approaching Delamar Road (view E) |

Misspelling of Delamar |

Approaching Delamar Road (view E) |

Delamar Road (view S from Highway 93) |

Long, straight road (view E) |

Powerline Road (view N from Highway 93) |

Lots of Joshua Trees (view N) |

Heading into the Delamar Mountains (view E) |

Heading into the Delamar Mountains (view E) |

Oak Springs Trilobite Site (view NE) |

Approaching Oak Springs Trilobite Road (view E) |

Approaching Oak Springs Trilobite Site, on the left (view E) |

Oak Springs Trilobite Site sign (view E) |

Approaching Oak Springs Trilobite Site access road (view E) |

Oak Springs Trilobite Site 1st access road (view N from Hwy 93) |

Oak Springs Trilobite Site 1st access road (view N from Hwy 93) |

Oak Springs Trilobite Site 2nd access road (view N from Hwy 93) |

Approaching Oak Spring Summit (view E) |

Oak Spring Summit; 6,237 ft elevation (view E) |

Hwy 93 at Silver State OHV Trail access road (view NE) |

Starting down into Newman Canyon (view NE) |

Newman Canyon (view E) |

Newman Canyon (view E) |

Newman Canyon (view E) |

Newman Canyon (view E) |

Newman Canyon (view E) |

Exiting Newman Canyon into Caliente (view SE) |

Approaching Caliente; note 25 mph limit (view NE) |

Caliente city limit sign (view NE) |

Caliente BLM office on edge of town (view NE) |

Caliente (view NE) |

Sign for state parks in Rainbow Canyon (view E) |

Approaching turnoff to Rainbow Canyon Road (Hwy 317; View NE) |

Highway 93 at Highway 317 (Rainbow Canyon Road; view E) |

Rainbow Canyon Road (Hwy 317; view SW from Hwy 93) |

Caliente gas station (view NE) |

Entering downtown Caliente (view NE) |

Caliente restaurant (view NE) |

Caliente train depot (view NE) |

Caliente train depot (view NE) |

Caliente at end of commercial area (view NE) |