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Indianhemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Perennial Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)

General: Indianhemp (Apocynum cannabinum) is a tall, perennial, wetland forb that grows upright on straight stems that can be green or red. The leaves are yellow-green above and below, opposite, ascending, about 3 inches long, clasping or not, and can be broad or narrow. Five-petaled, white flowers are produced in clusters at the end of the stems. Seed pods are long and narrow, and they produce plumed seeds that can drift on the wind.

Indianhemp is an uncommon component of wetland communities in the Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland), and Transition (Yellow Pine Forest) life zones. Around Las Vegas, look for this species along desert streams and lakes, such as in Calico Basin (Red Rock Canyon NCA) and along the shoreline of lakes in Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge.

This plant is poisonous: do not eat!

Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)

Family: Dogbane (Apocynaceae).

Other Names: Indian Hemp, dogbane, amy root, hemp dogbane, prairie dogbane, rheumatism root, wild cotton.

Plant Form: Tall, upright, perennial forb.

Height: To about 4(7) feet tall.

Stems: Ascending to erect, branched towards the top, green to red in color.

Leaves: Blade to about 3 inches, veins prominent; petiole short. Blades narrow-ovate to lanceolate.

Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)

Flowers: Blooms during early to mid-summer. Inflorescence: cyme with many flowers. Flowers bell-shaped to about 1/3 inch. White. Petals 5.

Seeds: narrow, pointed, with a large cottony plume

Habitat: General, but not limited to, wetlands habitats.

Elevation: About 500 to 6,000 feet.

Distribution: Throughout the US and Canada.

Comments: This plant is poisonous: all parts of the plant are poisonous and can cause cardiac arrest if ingested. The stems contain a milky latex that can be a skin irritant. Acts to damage the heart, respiratory, and urinary systems.

The bark yields a good quality fiber that can substitute for flax. Used by native people for cordage and clothing.

Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing around a small desert spring
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing in a small desert wetland
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing in a small desert wetland
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing on the edge of a lake
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing on the edge of a lake
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indianhemp growing in a small desert wetland
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Stems grow straight and tall
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Stems grow straight and tall
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Stem can be green or red
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)Stem can be green or red
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Stem can be green or red
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Stem can be green or red
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Leaves opposite and clasping
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Leaves opposite and not clasping
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Upper leaf surface shows veins, yellow-green
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Lower leaf surface with veins, yellow-green, with white hairs
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Upper leaf surface shows veins, yellow-green
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Lower leaf surface with veins, yellow-green, with white hairs
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers towards the top of the stem
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers towards the top of the stem
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers towards the top of the stem
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers towards the top of the stem
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers in clusters
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers in clusters
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers white, petals 5
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Flowers white, petals 5
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Sepals green, long
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Sepals green, long
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Seed pods long and narrow, generally in pairs
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Seed pods long and narrow, generally in pairs
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Dried seed pod (split open along the edges)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)Dried seed pod (split open along the edges)
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Dried seed pod releasing seeds
Indian Hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
Plumed seeds

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 190510

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