Coastal Sandbur seeds with spines |
General: Coastal Sandbur (Cenchrus spinifex) is a nasty, invasive grass with sharp, stiff spines on the seeds that get stuck in your socks and stab your fingers when you try to remove them. The stems are spreading, the leaf sheaths are flattened, and the small collar is fringed with hairs. The spiny seeds are like nothing else in southern Nevada.
Coastal Sandbur is an uncommon component of vegetation in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave
Desert Scrub) life zones. Around Las Vegas, keep an eye out for this species. Land managers are actively working to eradicate Sandbur, so hopefully you won't see it anywhere, but if you do, please report it to the local land management agency. If you have this species on your private property, please consider eradicating it. Look for this species in the orchard at Corn Creek on the Desert National Wildlife Range. |

Coastal Sandbur in roadside habitat |
Family: Grass (Poaceae).
Other Names: Field sandbur (Cenchrus incertus), sandbur
Plant Form: Decumbent perennial grass forming loose mats.
Height: Usually lower, but to about 18 inches when in flower.
Stems: Internode solid to spongy inside.
Leaves: Sheath flattened, to about 3 inches. Ligule, fringe of hairs, to about 1.5 mm. Collar with tuft of hairs. Blade to about 6 inches long, 1/4-inch wide; upper surface glabrous.
Flowers: Inflorescence to about 3 inches; main axis wavy.
Seeds: Well armored with small, but sharp stout spines. |

Developing Coastal Sandbur seeds |
Habitat: Disturbed areas, ditches, roadsides, fields, orchards.
Elevation: To about 2,500 feet.
Distribution: This species is native to the southeastern US, Mexico, and South America, but has been spread across the southern US to California.
Comments: Although not listed in Nevada, this species is a "prohibited noxious weed" in Arizona and "C-list noxious weed" in California. This would seem to be good candidate for designation as a Noxious Weed in Nevada.
For More Information: DiTomaso, J.M., and E.A. Healy. 2007. Weeds of California and other Western States. University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources Publication 3488. 2 Vol. ISBN 978-1-879906-69-3. |