Mesquite tree on desert flats |

Mesquite trees lining a desert wash |

Mesquite thicket |

State record: largest Honey Mesquite tree in Nevada |

Honey Mesquite |

Honey Mesquite on high ground in a playa |

Honey Mesquite with shaggy bark |

Honey Mesquite with long, stout, sharp spines |

Stout spines |

Stout spines |

Stout spines |

Stout spines |

Honey Mesquite with very long, stout spines |

Honey Mesquite with very long, stout spines |

Leaves compound with many paired, long-narrow, glossy-smooth leaflets |

One compound leaf in the palm of my hand |

One compound leaf with many long, narrow leaflets (upper surface) |

One compound leaf with glossy-smooth leaflets (lower surface) |

Paired, glossy-smooth leaflets; long and narrow |

Paired, glossy-smooth leaflets; long and narrow |

Flower buds |

Flower buds |

Honey Mesquite ripening beanpods |

Honey Mesquite ripening beanpods |

Honey Mesquite with dried fruits |

Honey Mesquite with dried fruits |

Honey Mesquite with dried fruits |

Dried fruits in a Honey Mesquite tree |

Honey Mesquite ripe beanpods |

Honey Mesquite ripe beanpods |

Honey Mesquite drying seed pods |

Honey Mesquite dry seed pods |

During late summer, beanpods fall to the ground |

Many beanpods on the ground |

Honey Mesquite without leaves during winter |

Honey Mesquite branches without leaves during winter |