General Description: Barrow's Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) are
sexually dimorphic pond ducks that often winter in coastal areas. In both genders, the bill is short and triangular, and the eyes golden yellow.
In males, the head is black with purple gloss and a large white, crescent or teardrop-shaped patch between the eye and bill. The back is black, the wings are black with white spots, and the front and sides are white. The bill is black.
In females, the head is brown and puffy. The back, wings, and sides are mottled gray-brown and white, and the front and neck are white. The bill is orange.
Taxonomy: Anseriformes, Anatidae, Anatinae. |
Favored Habitat: Inland lakes and ponds in northern forested areas during the breeding season (nesting in tree cavities), and sheltered coastal areas, inland lakes, and large rivers during winter.
Where to Find: Don't look for Barrow's Goldeneye around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them in northern Washington, Canada, and Alaska during the breeding season, or along the Pacific coast south to central California during winter. However, do keep an eye out for them during winter, as a few winter along the lower Colorado River, including at Lake Mead (Boulder Beach).
Comments: Goldeneyes feed on aquatic invertebrates, vegetation, and any other little thing they can catch. |