General Description: Reddish Egrets (Egretta rufescens) are fairly large egrets that occur in two morphs: dark and all white. In both morphs, they have long shaggy feathers on the head, neck, and back; and the bill is distinctly two-toned (pink with a black tip). The feeding style is active and distinctive among herons: they run about, jump, twist and turn, and throw the wings out or use them as a canopy in search of prey.
In the dark morph, they have long, shaggy reddish feathers on the head and neck, and are purple-gray otherwise, including the belly. In the light morph, they are all white, except for the two-toned bill.
Compare with Little Blue Herons, which can have similar color and shaggy appearance, except that the bill is dark with a black tip. |
Taxonomy: Pelecaniformes, Ardeidae.
Favored Habitat: Saltwater only; forages in shallow ponds, marshes, and mudflats.
Where to Find: Don't look for Reddish Egrets around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them from south Texas to Florida and points south. May wander farther north during post-breeding dispersal season. Ding Darling NWR, the City of Dunedin, and Everglades National Park are good places to see these birds. Also look for them on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Mexico and throughout the Caribbean region. Wanders north into California. |