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Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
Birds Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas |
General Description: Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) are very large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds that fly with the neck stretched out. Adults are gray overall except for a red crown; juveniles are all brown. Sandhills sometimes appear to be stained with rusty red mud.
Taxonomy: Gruiformes, Gruidae, Gruinae.
Favored Habitat: Shallow ponds; marshes; stubble fields. |
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, the Pahranagat Valley and the Overton Wildlife Management Area are likely places to find Sandhills.
Comments: Sandhill Cranes tend to be flocking birds, and during the non-breeding season, they can be seen in great numbers. |
If you were a tasty kernel of corn or a little frog, this might be the last face you ever see! |

Sandhill Cranes in flight |

Sandhill Cranes in flight |

Sandhill Crane with fledgling; Homosassa Springs, Florida |

Sandhill Cranes fledgling; Homosassa Springs, Florida |

Sandhill Crane with fledgling; Homosassa Springs, Florida |

Sandhill Cranes fledgling; Homosassa Springs, Florida |

1,500 Sandhill Cranes; Wilcox, Arizona |

1,500 Sandhill Cranes; Wilcox, Arizona |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 240110 |