Forster's Tern winter plumage |
General Description: Forster's Terns (Sterna forsteri) are small, light colored terns with forked tails and an orange bill with a black tip.
The forked tail has white outer edges.
As with most other terns, this species has differing winter and summer plumage. In breeding plumage, Forster's Terns have a black cap that extends from the top of the bill to the back of the head. During winter, they lose most of the black cap and have only a large black ear patch.
Taxonomy: Charadriiformes, Laridae, Sterninae.

Forster's Tern, summer adult |
Favored Habitat:
Inland marshes in the northern US and Canada during summer; coastal US and Mexico during winter.
Where to Find: Around Las Vegas, look for Forster's Terns during migration around marshes and bodies of water such as Lake Mead, the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, and the Pahranagat Valley.
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