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Common Poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii)
Birds Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas |

Common Poorwill on dirt road in desert habitat |
General Description: Common Poorwills (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) are little gray-brown birds of the night. The wings are short and rounded. There is white on the tail corners and the throat, but not in the wings (compare with nighthawks). Poorwills sleep on the ground during the day. Male Common Poorwills have brighter white in the tail and on the throat.
Taxonomy: Caprimulgiformes, Caprimulgidae, Chordeilinae.
Favored Habitat: Open deserts. |

Common Poorwill in typical desert habitat at night |
Where to Find: Drive dirt roads at night and watch them fly up in front of your headlights.
Comments: Poorwills call out their name over and over on summer nights: poor-will, poor-will, poor-will, poor-will ... |
Common Poorwills are year-round birds in our area, but without enough food during winter, they hibernate here rather than fly south for the winter. This Poorwill, tucked under a few branches from a shrub, apparently is hibernating. |

During the day, Poorwills roost on the ground |

During the day, Poorwills roost on the ground |

Sleeping Poorwill |

Common Poorwill on paved road at night (Portal, Arizona) |

Common Poorwill on dirt road in October (Gold Butte NM) |

Male Common Poorwill feathers from roadkill |

Dorsal feather from male Common Poorwill |

Outer tail feather from male Common Poorwill |

A shady place to sleep for the day |

Common Poorwill on road edge at night (Portal, Arizona) |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 230831 |