General Description: Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) are large, noisy woodpeckers, generally of the mountains, with a barred, brown back, a white spotted front, a black neck band, and a white rump. The face is gray, and the crown is brown. In flight, Northern Flickers around Las Vegas show red in the wings (red wing linings), leading to another common name: "red-shafted flicker." Males have a red mustache mark; females lack a mustache.
In the east and far north, Northern Flickers have yellow wing linings and are referred to as "yellow-shafted flickers." In the southern deserts (from about Searchlight southward) however, another species of flicker has yellow wing linings: the Gilded Flicker.
Taxonomy: Piciformes, Picidae, Picinae. Formerly Red-Shafted Flicker. |