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Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus)
Birds Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas |

Male interior Bushtit: gray overall with a hint of a brown ear patch |
General Description: Bushtits (Psaltriparus minimus) are tiny, fluffy gray birds with a stubbly little beaks and long tails. Males have dark eyes, but females have bright yellow eyes. Bushtits usually travel in large, noisy flocks as they forage in shrubs and low trees. Sometimes there is a bit of a brown ear patch.
There are 15 subspecies of Bushtits, but only two or three might be expected in the Las Vegas region:
- P. m. plumbeus – Southwestern deserts. Gray overall.
- P. m. minimus – coastal California. Brown atop the head.
- P. m. californicus – central valleys of California and Oregon
Interior birds are gray overall, while coastal birds have a bit of brown on the top of the head. There is also a form with a black ear patch, but that one is not seen around Las Vegas. |

Male Coastal Bushtit (P. m. minimus): brown cap and dark eye |
Taxonomy: Passeriformes, Aegithalidae.
Favored Habitat: Brushy desert canyons, Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands.
Where to Find: Bushtits are birds of brushy canyons and lower-elevation woodlands. Look for them at
Springs and the other canyons at Red Rocks. When looking for them, they seem to be nowhere,
but then turn up everywhere.
Comments: |

Female Coastal Bushtit (P. m. minimus): brown cap and yellow eye |
If you were a tasty bug or a little spider, this might be the last face you ever see! |
Interior Bushtit (P. m. plumbeus): Southwestern deserts and northern Mexico. Gray overall with a bit of a brown ear patch.

Interior Bushtit male (Mt Charleston, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit female (Peavine Canyon, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit (Peavine Canyon, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit (Peavine Canyon, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit (Peavine Canyon, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit (Peavine Canyon, Nevada) |

Interior Bushtit (Zion NP) |

Interior Bushtit (Zion NP) |
Coastal Bushtit (P. m. minimus): Coastal California, Oregon, and Washington. Gray overall with brown atop the head.

Female Coastal Bushtit: brown cap and bright yellow eye |

Coastal Bushtit female |

Coastal Bushtit female |

Coastal Bushtit female |

Coastal Bushtit male |

Coastal Bushtit male (Beaverton, Oregon) |

Coastal Bushtit female (Beaverton, Oregon) |

Coastal Bushtit foraging in a bush |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 240122 |