General: Shield bugs, seed bugs, assassin bugs, flower bugs, and water bugs are included in the suborder Heteroptera, some 25,000 species of relatively large bugs. Heteropterans are recognized by their mouthparts, which are modified into a beak capable of piercing plants and sucking fluids. When not feeding, Heteropterans tuck their beak under their chin and chest. |
Family Coreidae: Leaf-footed Bugs |
Family Corixidae: Water Boatman |
Family Gelastocoridae: Toad Bugs |
Family Gerridae: Water Strider (Gerris remigis) |
Family Lygaeidae: Seed Bugs; Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii) |
Family Miridae (Plant Bugs): Lygus bug (Lygus spp.) |
Family Naucoridae: Riffle Beetle (Ambrysus mormon) (aka Creeping Water Bug) |
Family Notonectidae: Back Swimmers |
Family Rhopalidae: Scentless Plant Bugs |