General: The Green Lacewings (Family Chrysopidae) are a diverse group of flying creatures
in the desert and mountains around Las Vegas. There are 7 families of lacewings in North America, all of which are green. Lacewings are recognized by their long, lacy wings that show a network of veins. In addition, the membranous wings are in two pairs, the body is long and thin, the antennae are long, and the color is green (usually) or brown.
Lacewings, and especially their larvae, are predators on other insects, consuming and reducing the population of harmful insects such as aphids. As such, these creatures are valued guests in gardens and farm fields.
Green Lacewings lay eggs near aphid concentrations, but they do it in a peculiar way: they lay eggs atop long, thread-like stalks that stand out from leaves or other surfaces. |