Antlion adult |
General: The Antlions (Family Myrmeleontidae) are a group of flying creatures
in the desert and mountains around Las Vegas, although we mostly know them from the larvae. There are 7 families of antlions, which are generally recognized by their long, lacy wings that show a network of veins. In addition, the membranous wings are in two pairs, the body is long and thin, the antennae are long, and the color is green (usually) or brown.
Antlion larvae are predators on other insects. Members of the genus Myrmeleon (7 species in North America) dig a funnel-shaped hole, then sit at the bottom and wait for some hapless bug, usually an ant, to fall in. They grab the prey item with large jaws and pull it under the sand -- the inspiration for many a horror movie. |

Antlion ant traps |
Myrmeleon antlion larvae are the ones that dig the familiar "doodlebug" traps in soft or sandy soils, usually under an overhanging rock, floor of a cave, or under a log where they are less likely to be disturbed by rain or wind. Sometimes they are just out under the open sky. When a prey item falls into the trap, the larvae will kick up sand and shower the victim to hasten and ensure its fall to the bottom of the trap.
Antlion traps. Larval antlions kick sand up and outward, forming a conical pit with steep, loose sides. The antlion sits in the bottom of the pit, with nothing showing but its jaws, as it waits for an ant to wander along and fall into the trap. It an ant falls in, the antlion will kick sand up in an effort to knock the ant into the bottom of the pit. When the ant falls to the bottom, the antlion grabs it with powerful jaws and pulls it under the sand where the hapless victim becomes a good meal. |