General Description: Young Broad-headed Skinks (Eumeces laticeps) are black with 5 yellow lines, a bright blue tail, and glossy-smooth scales. As they age, they lose the blue tail and the other colors fade. Adults are large and stout, growing to about 17 inches. The back is gray-green, and the sides are marked with a wide dark band set off with lighter stripes. In males, the jaws flare as the animal ages, giving males a "broad headed" appearance, and in the breeding season, males get red on the face. This species is a good tree climber.
Taxonomy: Skink Family (Scincidae).
Habitat: Moist, forested habitats with ample leaf litter.
Where to Find: Don't look for Broad-headed Skinks around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them in the southeastern US. |