Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) are small (house-cat sized) predator-scavengers. They are black overall with white stripes from the back of the head down the back and onto the tail. The face is all black or black with a white stripe. Skunks are more often smelled than seen, and they can squirt their noxious materials for about 10 feet.
Striped Skunks are uncommon around Las Vegas; don't expect to see one. If you do see one, be sure to compare pictures with the smaller Spotted Skunks.
Striped Skunks eat anything that doesn't run faster than they do. Their natural diet consists mainly of grasshoppers, crickets, mice, bird eggs, frogs, fruit and other plant parts, carrion, and similar items. They will raid trash cans when they can. |
Striped Skunks prefer open brushy areas with a mix of woods, grasslands, and agricultural areas. They rarely wander further than 2 miles from water. Skunks also occur in urban areas where old buildings provide cover and outdoor pets provide pet food and water.
Skunks are nocturnal, sleeping in underground burrows, hollow trees, and similar places.
Taxonomy: Order Carnivora: Carnivores; Family Mustelidae, Skunks |