South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona |

Zion Canyon, Zion National Park |

Big Bend, Texas |

Big Bend, Texas |

This squirrel was so focused to a pair of Golden Eagles soaring by, that it didn't notice me coming up behind. |

After the Golden Eagles were out of view, this squirrel turned around, saw me, and bolted for a hole under a boulder. |

Zion National Park, Utah |

Rock Squirrel |

This Rock Squirrel is a bit redder than most |

Southern Arizona |

Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona |

Cherry Creek, Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada |

Notice the gray spots sprinkled around in the gray-brown fur |

Big Bend National Park, Texas |

Red Rock Canyon NCA, Nevada |

Red Rock Canyon NCA, Nevada |

Rock Squirrel heading for home at a full gallop |

Zion National Park, Utah |

Albuquerque, New Mexico |

Albuquerque, New Mexico |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag; southern Utah |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag; southern Utah |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag |

Criminal attack on backpacking food-storage bag |

Criminal attack on food-storage bag was unsuccessful ... |

... but it found nuts in someone's trash bag |