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Long-tailed Pocket Mouse (Chaetodipus formosus)
Mammals Around Las Vegas,
Wildlife Around Las Vegas |
General: Long-tailed Pocket Mice (Chaetodipus formosus) are
small, buffy-gray mice with small ears; a long, tufted tail; and no other marks. The head and body are about 3-inches long, and the tail is 4-5 inches long. They have external, fur-lined cheek pouches; run on all four feet; and have a crest of long hairs on the top of the tail.
Like kangaroo rats, pocket mice have external, fur-lined cheek pouches that they use
to carry seeds and other food items to and from their burrows and seed caches. Most
animals carry food in their mouth (e.g., dogs and cats) or inside the
cheeks (chipmunks), but pocket mice actually have an extra pouch on
the outside of their cheeks, similar to the pouch of an Australian kangaroo. |

Mouth, cheek, chin, and external fur-lined cheek pouch |
Habitat: Pocket Mice are common to abundant in the deserts and lower mountains around Las Vegas in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zones. You won't see them because they are nocturnal, but their burrows give away their presence, and you might see them darting across desert roads at night.
Comments: The entrance to pocket mouse burrows usually goes straight down with no evidence of a dirt mound. Pocket mice often move into the burrows of other animals (e.g., pocket gopher, kangaroo rat), and dig escape holes by burrowing upward from inside an existing tunnel. |

External, fur-lined cheek pouches; reddish area between is the chin |

The tail is long and crested (longer hairs on the top of the tail) |

Pelage is buffy-gray above, lighter below |

Ear relatively small |

Long whiskers |

Hind feet fairly large |

Front feet relatively small |

Yep, it's a female |

External, fur-lined cheek pouch |

Mouth, cheek, chin, and external fur-lined cheek pouch |

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse burrows tend to go straight down |

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse burrows tend to go straight down |

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse burrow plugged with dirt from inside |

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse burrow plugged with dirt from inside |

Pocket Mouse scat on sand near a plant root fragment |

Pocket Mouse scat on sand |

Pocket Mouse scat on sand |

Pocket Mouse scat on sand |

Pocket Mouse scat on sand |

Long-tailed Pocket Mouse tracks in soft sand |
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
; Last updated 231223 |