Pennsylvania Ave (view W) |

Pennsylvania Ave crossing Sonoita Creek Wash (view NW) |

Pennsylvania Ave across Sonoita Creek Wash (now Blue Heaven Road) |

Blue Heaven Road at Paton House (view W) |

On-property and on-street parking |

Welcome sign |

Walking into the Paton House area |

Entrance kiosk with information about the area |

Paton House map (trails extend off the original property) |

The Paton House |

Trail to the backyard runs on the right side of the house |

Paton's Birder Haven banner |

Recent bird observations |

Trail into the backyard and covered seating |

Welcome station with binoculars and bird books to borrow |

Birders in the shade |

Back side of the Paton house with bird feeders |

Hummingbird feeder with webcam |

A Bewick's Wren foraging on the back of the Paton house |

Back side of the Paton house with bird feeders |

Birders in the shade with main hummingbird feeder station |

Main hummingbird feeder station |

Hummingbird feeders |

Feeder with Broad-billed and Violet-crowned hummingbirds |

The back of the backyard with feeders and brushpiles |

Seed feeder with Lazuli Bunting, House Finch, and Chipping Sparrow |

Suet feeder with Gila and Ladder-backed woodpeckers |

Lots of Arizona Gray Squirrels and a few Rock Squirrels |

Another brushpile and woods |

Water feature |

Trails lead off the main Paton property |

Trails behind the main Paton property |

Birders in the front yard |

Don't overlook other birds: Northern Cardinal |

Public toilets in the parking area |

Lots of vehicles parked along the road during midday |

Historical photo: Paton House during the Paton times |

Historical sign: Marion Paton's Birder's Haven |

Historical photo: Paton backyard during the Paton times |

Historical photo: Birding Paton's backyard during the Paton times |