Portal Road departing downtown Portal (view W) |

Portal Road (view W) |

Portal Road approaching Jasper House (view W) |

Portal Road at Jasper House (view W) |

Portal Road sign: Caution, curve left ahead (view W) |

Portal Road ends, Paradise right, Cave Creek left (view W) |

Cave Creek Road (view SW) |

Entering Coronado National Forest (view SW) |

Poorwill on Cave Creek Road |

Cave Creek Road at turnoff to Cave Creek Ranch (view S) |

Cave Creek Road (view SW) |

Ranger Station (on-street parking) |

Ranger Station (view from off-street parking) |

Ranger Station information sign |

Ranger Station birder information cork board |

Acorn Woodpecker on a hummingbird feeder at Ranger Station |

Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay at the Ranger Station |

Parking along Cave Creek Road: listen here for the chatter of Elf Owls |

Information sign along Cave Creek Road |

Pull-out along Cave Creek to stop and bird (view SW) |

Paved Cave Creek Road (view SW) |

Turnoff to unpaved South Fork Road (view S) |

Information signs and outhouse at the fork (view S) |

South Fork Road (view SW) |

South Fork Road (view SW) |

South Fork Road (view SW) |

South Fork Road just below the bridge (view SW) |

South Fork Road approaching South Fork Bridge (view SW) |

Birders working the trees |

This Cottonwood Tree was full of little birds |
 Elegant Trogon seen from the bridge |

Don't overlook other special creatures: Mexican Fox Squirrel |

Stream above the bridge (view S) |

Trailhead parking at end of South Fork Road (view SW) |

Start of South Fork Trail (view SW) |

The official trail starts to the right (view SW) |

Use-trail starts up the wash (view SW) |

Birder on South Fork Trail (view SW) |

Watch for more than birds: White-tailed Deer (view W) |

South Fork Trail crosses a small stream (view SW) |

Interesting plants along the way: mountain yucca (Yucca madrensis) |

Lots of Acorn Woodpeckers in the woods; this one at a nest hole |

Birder passing through the historical South Fork Picnic Area (view SW) |

Birder exiting the historical South Fork Picnic Area (view SW) |

Birder on South Fork Trail (view SW) |

Cave Creek flowing along South Fork Trail (view SW) |

Birder at Chiricahua Wilderness boundary sign (view SW) |

Birder on South Fork Trail crossing Cave Creek (view S) |

Birder on South Fork Trail crossing Cave Creek again (view S) |

Cool lizard: Sonoran Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus c. clarkii) |

Water in the South Fork of Cave Creek (view S) |

Water in the South Fork of Cave Creek (view S) |

Hiker on South Fork Canyon Trail (view S) |

The trail is well signed |

Nice place for a wilderness lunch (view S) |

Evidence of the fire |

Hiker returning down South Fork Canyon Trail (view N) |

Keep an eye out for our slithery friends (Black-tailed Rattlesnake) |

Returning to the trailhead (view N) |

Heading back down the road (view E) |