Entrance sign and information kiosk (view NW) |

Entrance sign and information kiosk (view NW) |

Entrance sign and information kiosk (view NW) |

Information kiosk (view NW) |

Area map with points of interest |

Information about Basin and Range National Monument |

Entrance sign and information kiosk (view NW) |

Entrance sign (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at cross road (view W) |

First blind curve -- watch for oncoming traffic (view NW) |

Approaching a borrow pit (view W) |

Borrow pit campsite (view W) |

Seaman Wash Road (view N toward Seaman Range peaks) |

Seaman Wash Valley (view NW) |

Seaman Wash begins to narrow (view NW) |

Approaching the first rocky crag (view NW) |

Approaching Seaman Narrows (view NW) |

Seaman Narrows (view NW) |

Seaman Narrows (view NW) |

Beyond Seaman Narrows (view W) |

Winding into the hills (view NW) |

Rolling through the hills (view NW) |

Outcrop of volcanic ash on the right (view NW) |

Winding through the hills (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at Chicken Inn Road (view NW) |

Chicken Inn Road (view N from Seaman Wash Road) |

Stone castle (view N) |

Rocky palisades (view W) |

One last bit of road pinched between rocky outcrops (view N) |

Approaching crest of Seaman Range (view NW) |

Top of the Seaman Range, but not quite the pass (view W) |

Seaman Wash Rd at side road left (view NW) |

Side road (view W) |

First view down into Coal Valley (view NW) |

Seaman Range during a snow storm (view E) |

Seaman Wash Rd at minor side road right (view NW) |

Minor side road (view N) |

Seaman Wash Road in Coal Valley (view NW) |

Blowing dust on Coal Valley Playa (view NW) |

Blowing dust on Coal Valley Playa (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at side road left (view NW) |

Side road (view W) |

Visitors experiencing the grand, wide open spaces (view NW) |

Seaman Range (view E from Seaman Wash Road) |

Seaman Wash Rd in bottom of Coal Valley (spring; view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd in bottom of Coal Valley (summer; view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at cross road (view NW) |

Side road left to cattle trough (view W) |

Side road right to water tank (view E) |

Seaman Wash Rd in bottom of Coal Valley (view NW) |

Approaching cattle guard and fenceline (view NW) |

Cattle guard and fenceline (view NW) |

Endless fenceline to the Golden Gate Range (view NW) |

Endless fenceline to the Seaman Range (view NE) |

Endless fenceline to the Seaman Range (view NE) |

Grand scenery (view E from near cattle guard) |

Seaman Wash Rd at major side road right (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd in bottom of Coal Valley (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at side road right (view NW) |

Approaching cattle watering area (view NW) |

Fencing along cattle watering area (view NW) |

Road hazards -- especially at night (view NW) |

Water catch-basin (view NE) |

What are you looking at? |

Rainwater catch-basin (view E) |

This road hazard could easily slice open a tire (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd in bottom of Coal Valley (view NW) |

Golden Gate Range far across Coal Valley (view W) |
Seaman Wash Road can be seen reaching the Golden Gate Range |

Golden Gate Range far across Coal Valley (view W) |

Seaman Wash Rd approaching the Golden Gate Range (view NW) |

Coal Valley West Rd merges into Seaman Wash Rd (view NW) |

A few more cows (view N) |

Seaman Wash Road (view NW) |
Seaman Wash Road approaching Water Gap (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd approaching cross-over to points north (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Rd at cross-over road to points north (view NW) |

Cross-over road to points north (view NW from Seaman Wash Rd) |

Approaching the toe of the Golden Gate Range (view NW) |

Rounding the toe of the Golden Gate Range (view NW) |

Limestone buttress with cave (view S) |

Limestone buttress at edge of Water Gap (view SW) |

Cave in limestone buttress (view S) |

Seaman Wash Road runs through Water Gap (view W) |

Curious formations in limestone buttress above water gap (view S) |

Seaman Wash Road continues through Water Gap (view W) |

Seaman Wash Road approaching fence line (view W) |

Cattle guard and fencing in Water Gap (view W) |

Seaman Wash Road approaching Garden Valley Road (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Road approaching information sign (view NW) |

Water Gap information sign (view S from Seaman Wash Road) |

Water Gap information sign (view S) |

Water Gap information sign (view S) |

Seaman Wash Road at Garden Valley Road (view NW) |

Garden Valley Road (view W from Seaman Wash Road) |

Ever intersection out here is a triangle intersection (view NW) |

Seaman Wash Road approaching bridge over Cherry Creek (view NW) |

Cherry Creek downstream towards Coal Valley usually is dry (view E) |

Cherry Creek upstream towards Garden Valley usually is dry (view W) |

Crossing Cherry Creek after a wet winter (view E, downstream) |

Crossing Cherry Creek after a wet winter (view W, upstream) |

Seaman Wash Road continuing past Cherry Creek bridge (view NW) |

Approaching triangle intersection with Timber Pass Rd (view NW) |

Triangle intersection with Timber Pass Rd (view NW) |

Road sign at intersection of three roads (view NW) |

Front-side of the sign at the intersection (view E) |

Seaman Wash Road ends at Timber Pass and Cherry Creek roads |

More to come ... |