Quiz on backside of information kiosk (view SW) |

Coyote Trail angles left at the kiosk (view N) |

Coyote Trail departing the kiosk (view NW) |

Coyote Trail runs out past the kiosk (view NW) |

Coyote Trail approaching the Cement Pond (view NW) |

Bridge over Corn Creek Stream (springs to the right; view N) |

Cement Pond (view W from the bridge) |

A birder spots something interesting (view W) |

Water control structure intended to keep crayfish out of the pond |

Water control structure intended to keep crayfish out of the pond |

Pahrump Poolfish in the Cement Pond |

Pahrump Poolfish in the Cement Pond |

Cement Pond (view W) |

Continuing across the bridge (view N) |

Trail forks: Coyote Trail turns left (view N) |

Trail junction: Coyote left; Jackrabbit left (view N) |

Coyote Trail runs to the left (view NW) |

Coyote Trail continues (view NW) |

Coyote Trail approaching another bridge (view NW) |

Bench at the Cement Pond (view N) |

Information sign |

Information sign: Riparian Habitats (view SW) |

Coyote Trail wraps around north end of Cement Pond (view W) |

North end of Cement Pond (view S towards Visitor Center) |

Approaching a trail junction (view W) |

Approaching trail junction: Coyote Trail "loop" starts here (view W) |

Trail junction: Coyote Trail "loop" starts here (view W) |

Art in the park (view N towards coyote sculpture) |

As described here, the Coyote Trail stays left at the fork (view W) |

Coyote Trail approaching another bench (view SW) |

Coyote Trail runs along the outflow stream (view SW) |

Listen to the sounds of a babbling brook |

Coyote Trail approaching bridge over outflow stream (view SW) |

Watch for birds bathing in the stream |

Birdwatcher scanning the trees (view W) |

Streamside vegetation and sparrows bathing during winter |

Birdwatcher scanning the old orchard and trees beyond (view W) |

West end of the old orchard and mulberry trees (view SE) |

Fence in the orchard separates public from non-public spaces (view W) |

Approaching an information sign (view W) |

information sign: Fruits of Labor (view S) |

information sign: Fruits of Labor |

The orchard during winter |

The orchard during winter |

Looking out at the old orchard (view S) |

Looking right across the old orchard (view SW) |

Winter in the orchard |

Winter in the orchard |

Coyote Trail continues along the stream (view SW) |

Coyote Trail continues along the outflow stream (view SW) |

Birder on the last bridge over the outflow stream (view SW) |

Approaching another bench and information sign (view NW) |

Coyote Trail continues on other side of the stream (view SW) |

Information sign: For the Birds |

Coyote Trail continues on other side of the stream (view SW) |

Pocket gophers seem happy out here (view down) |

Trail bends around to the right (view NW; summer) |

The big old cottonwood has died and fallen over (winter) |

Trail runs into a tunnel of trees (view NE; winter) |

Bridge over another small stream (view N; winter) |

Thicket upstream from the bridge (view E) |

Thicket downstream from the bridge (view W) |

Across the bridge, trail forks: Coyote right; Birdsong Trail left (view N) |
 Birdsong Trail (view NW from Coyote Trail) |

Coyote Trail bends right (view NE) |

Coyote Trail bends right (view NE) |

Coyote Trail loops back towards the Visitor Center (view E) |

Trail runs up along side of historical Pond 2 (view E) |

Birder walking along old Pond 2 (view E) |

Approaching the Pahrump Poolfish Refugium (view E) |

Poolfish Refugium with information sign (view NW) |

Poolfish Refugium with information sign (view NW) |

Information sign: A Refuge for a Fish (view NW) |

Coyote Trail continues past the Poolfish Refugium (view E) |

Trail forks: Coyote Trail stays right (view NE) |

Railroad-tie Cabin Trail (view E from Coyote Trail) |

Spur trail to Railroad-tie Cabin and information sign (view NE) |

Information sign: Ties to the Past |

Railroad-tie Cabin (view N) |

Departing the Railroad-tie Cabin (view S) |

Railroad Spur Trail leads back to main Coyote Trail (view S) |

Hiker on Railroad Spur Trail approaching main Coyote Trail (view S) |

Hiker back on main Coyote Trail (view S from Railroad Spur Trail) |

Continuing on Coyote Trail (view SE) |

Birder at spur trail to outdoor classroom (view SE) |

Outdoor classroom (not a picnic area; view S) |

Trail forks: Coyote right; Bighorn left (view SE) |

Coyote Trail continues (view SE) |

Birder approaching another trail junction (view SE) |

End of the Coyote Trail loop (view SE) |

Coyote Trail continues left towards Visitor Center (view SE) |

Birder approaching the Cement Pond (view SE) |

Coyote Trail passing the Cement Pond (view SE) |

Cement Pond (view S; winter) |

Watch of unexpected birds in the desert (Cinnamon Teal) |

Trail continues along the Cement Pond (view SE) |

Coyote Trail passing the Cement Pond overlook (view S) |

Birder crossing another bridge (view S) |

Coyote Trail passing the Cement Pond (view S) |

Trail forks: Coyote Trail right; Bighorn Trail left (view SE) |

Coyote Trail returning to the bridge over Corn Creek Stream |

Birder crossing bridge over Corn Creek Stream (view S) |

Cement Pond (view SW) |

Bridge over Corn Creek Stream |

Cement Pond (view W from the bridge) |

Coyote Trail continues past the bridge (view S) |

Coyote Trail continues (view SE) |

Coyote Trail returning towards the information kiosk (view SE) |

Coyote Trail stays right the information kiosk (view SE) |

Trails to front and back of the Visitor Center (view NW) |

Coyote Trail returning to the front of the Visitor Center (view SE) |

East side, patio area (view S) |

South side, patio area (view W) |

Approaching exit from the patio area (view W) |

Exiting the patio area towards the parking lots (view W) |

Returning to the parking lot (view W) |

Returning to the parking lot (view W) |

More to come ... |