
Debris along road just above the main mine site (view SE) |

Debris along road just above the main mine site (view N) |

Debris along road just above the main mine site (view N) |

Debris along road just above the main mine site (view SE) |

Debris along road just above the main mine site (view down) |

Debris along road just above the main mine site (view SE) |

Main site: loading chute above wash with muds (view S) |

Loading chute (view S) |

Pit below loading chute (view S) |

Loading chute (view NW from strip mine area) |

Loading chute (view NW from strip mine area) |

Loading chute (view N from strip mine area) |

Mill foundation and muds in wash (view SW) |

Foundation in the wash (view W) |
Mill foundation and muds in wash (view SW) |

Loading chute (view SE from strip mine area) |

Mill foundation (view SW) |

Mill foundation (view SW) |

Mill foundation (view S) |

Mill foundation (view N) |

Muds in wash (view NW) |
Muds in wash (view N) |

Muds in wash (view S) |

Muds in wash (view S) |

Muds in wash (view NE) |

Muds in wash (view NE) |

Muds in wash (view SW) |

Mill site (view NE from muds in wash) |

Muds in wash with foundation and wooden timbers (view SW) |

Muds in wash with foundation and wooden timbers (view SW) |

Foundation upstream from mill site (view S) |

Foundation across wash from mill site (view S) |

Foundation across wash from mill site (view SE) |

Muds in wash (view NW from strip mine area) |

Strip mine area (view S) |

Strip mine area (view SE) |

Strip mine area (view SE) |

Mule deer antler - I don't expect deer this low in the desert) |

Cabin site on hilltop (view SE) |

Cabin site on hilltop (view NE) |

Cabin site on hilltop (view SE) |

Remains of old truck (view S) |

Adit entrance (view E near sunset) |

Adit entrance (view E) |

Foundation on hillside east of mine site (view SE) |

Timbers on the ground (view SE) |

Mining claim marker (view SE) |

Tag on mining claim marker; text lost to time (view NE) |