The trail drops into a shallow swale |

Trail approaching an information sign (view E) |

Fossil Streams: algae causes calcium carbonate to accumulate |

The trail continues past the Fossil Streams sign |

Approaching the first shade structure (view NE) |

Just beyond the shade structure, trail forks at information sign (view NE) |

Sign: Ice Age Tule Springs (view NE) |

From under the shade structure, the trail heads out and right (view NE) |

Most of the trail is very well marked (view E) |

Traversing rolling mud hills (view NE) |

Approaching the edge of Las Vegas Wash (view E) |

Approaching the edge of Las Vegas Wash (view N) |

Trail arriving atop bluffs overlooking Las Vegas Wash (view E) |

Turns out to be a side canyon that flows into LV Wash (view E) |

Approaching another information sign (view E) |

Sign: An Enduring Drainage (view N) |

Now the trail really runs atop bluffs overlooking LV Wash (view E) |

The trail parallels a service road for a short distance (view E) |

Las Vegas Wash (view NE) |

Looking across the wash to an excavation trench with a sign (view NE) |

Looking back: grand view down into Las Vegas Wash (view NE) |

Grand view down into Las Vegas Wash (view NNW) |

Approaching the second shade structure (view E) |

Arriving at the second shade structure (view E) |

Information sign on the edge of the bluffs (view NE) |

Sign: An Enduring Drainage (view NE) |

The shade structure has a fence around it (view S) |

Sign by the shade structure: Drilling into the Past (view NW) |

Sign: Drilling into the Past |

After resting in the shade, trail drops down into the wash (view N) |

Trail departs shade structure following old road (view N) |

Trail descending the old road (view NE) |

Entering Las Vegas Wash (view E) |

Trail runs along the north bank of Las Vegas Wash (view E) |

Approaching a trail junction with a marker (view E) |

Arriving at a trail junction (view E) |

Trail junction directional sign: Visitor Center to the right (view S) |

Trail junction: Las Vegas Wash Trail turns left (view E) |

Trail junction: Las Vegas Wash Trail drops into the wash (view N) |

Starting down into Las Vegas Wash (view N) |

Parts of the wash are eroded mud deposits (view NW) |

A bit of mud from recent rains along the trail (view NW) |

Crossing gravels in the North Branch of Las Vegas Wash (view NW) |

The trail climbs onto the North Bank of the wash (view W) |

Trail runs along the North Bank of the wash (view W) |

Approaching a fenced section (view W) |

Badlands (not sure why this area is fenced off; view N) |

Approaching another information sign (view NW) |

Sign in archaeological excavation trench (view N) |

Sign: Reconstructing a Spring (view N) |

Trail continues beneath mud cliffs (view NW) |

Interesting layers in the mud cliff face (view NE) |

Fencing keeps hikers safely away from the crumbling cliffs (view NW) |

An ancient stream channel (note gravel bed) in the mud cliff (view NW) |

Approaching another sign under mud cliffs (view NW) |

Sign: Every Layer Tells a Story (view NE) |

The trail returns to Las Vegas Wash (view W) |

Three steps down, then three steps up (view SW) |

Crossing mud deposits in the wash (view SW) |

Crossing gravels in the Main Branch of Las Vegas Wash (view SW) |

The wash area is well vegetated with diverse shrubs (view SW) |

Trail starts to climb out of the wash (view S) |

Approaching another information sign (view SW) |

Sign: The Las Vegas Wash (view N) |

Exiting the main wash up a side wash (view S) |

Eroded badlands in the side canyon (view SW) |

A layer of tufa eroding from a mud hill (view NW) |

Tufa fragments that rolled down the hillside (view NW) |

Trail continues up the side Canyon (view SW) |

Gravel layers eroding from the hillsides |

Gravels from a streambed that eroded from the hillside |

Atop the badlands, the next shade structure comes into view (view SW) |

Trail continues up the side Canyon (view SW) |

The trail climbs rather steeply towards the top of the badlands (view S) |

Out of the side canyon, the trail arrives at the first shade structure (view S) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail continues past the shade structure (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail crosses the service road (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail continues across rolling desert terrain (view W) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail dips through a swale (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning towards the Fossil Stream sign (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail passing the Fossil Stream sign (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning towards the grassy swale (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning through the grassy swale (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning towards the Trail Rules sign (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail passing the Trail Rules sign (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail passing the trailhead kiosk (view SW) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning to the Monumental Mammoth (view S) |

Las Vegas Wash Trail retuning to the trailhead parking area (view SE) |