Approaching Maynard Spring (view W) |

Arriving Maynard Spring (view W) |

Trail to the spring during winter 2017 (view NW) |

Trail to the spring during summer 2022 (view NW): note loss of shrubs |

Trail down to the spring during summer (view NW) |

Approaching Maynard Spring during winter |

Small metal trough set inside a larger concrete trough (view NW) |

Small metal trough set inside a larger concrete trough (view NW) |

Water and sycamore leaves in the metal trough (view down) |

Cattails at the spring during summer (view NW) |

Water seeping to the surface with burro prints in the mud (view N) |

American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) |

American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) |

Fenceline above Maynard Spring (view N) |

Fenceline above Maynard Spring (view S) |

Maynard Spring gate (view NW) |

Maynard Spring gate with burro inside the fenced area (view NW) |

Small metal trough set inside a larger concrete trough (view NW) |

Possibly an old watering trough, now in the parking area (view NW) |

Possibly an old watering trough, now in the parking area (view NW) |

American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) upper leaf surface |

American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) lower leaf surface |
Sycamore Tree at Maynard Spring at sunset (view NW) |

More to come ... |