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What's New on Bird-And-Hike During 2010?
What's New
Date Area Location or Item Comments
Dec 30, 2010 Geology Rocks Around Las Vegas Expanded the section
Dec 29, 2010 Hiking, Red Rocks Gray Cap Peak Added a new hike
Dec 27, 2010 Hiking, Red Rocks Waterfalls Canyon Added a new hike
Dec 27, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Tufted Flycatcher Added a new species
Dec 27, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-chinned Sparrow Added a new species
Dec 27, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Pintail Added new photos
Dec 24, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Snake Bite Chronicle of my bite and recovery
Dec 24, 2010 Birding, Desert NWR Corn Creek Minor updates.
Dec 24, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Harris' Sparrow Added a new species
Dec 23, 2010 Postcards from my Travels Trip to Texas Continuing updates on my snake bite recovery
Dec 18, 2010 Wildlife, Amphibians Tiger Salamander Added a new species
Dec 16, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Liberty Bell Arch Updated trailhead and route information
Dec 16, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA AZ Hot Springs, White Rock Wash Updated trailhead and route information
Dec 16, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA AZ Hot Springs, Canyon Route Updated trailhead and route information
Dec 15, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Coral Snake Added a new species
Dec 15, 2010 Postcards from my Travels Trip to Texas Added a new event
Nov 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Hooded Merganser Added new photos
Nov 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Sandhill Crane Added new photos
Nov 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Roadrunner Added new photos
Nov 18, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Goldstrike Hot Springs Updated maps for new highway
Nov 16, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Devil's Claw Added a new species
Nov 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Yuma Silverbush Added a new species (shrub #120)
Nov 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates White Blister Beetle Added new photos
Nov 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs San Felipe Dogweed Added a new species
Nov 16, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat Added a new species
Nov 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Lavender Added a new species
Nov 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Leaf-cutter Bees Added new photos
Nov 13, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Sphecid Wasp with Caterpillar Added a new species
Nov 13, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Booth's Evening Primrose Added a new species
Nov 13, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs White Ratany Added a new species
Nov 12, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Anderson's Desert-thorn Added a new species
Nov 11, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Sticky Fagonbush Added a new species
Nov 11, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Flattened Blister Beetle Added new photos
Nov 11, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Frost Mat Added a new species
Nov 11, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Strigose Bird's-foot Trefoil Added a new species
Nov 11, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Small Ground Mantid Added a new species
Nov 11, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs White Bursage Added new photos
Nov 11, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Scarab Beetle Added a new species
Nov 10, 2010 Aircraft, Military WB-57 High Altitude Research Jet Identified this species
Nov 10, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Evening Primrose Added a new species
Nov 10, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Lady Beetle Added new photos
Nov 10, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates White-lined Sphinx Moth Added new photos
Nov 10, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Coachwhip Added new photos
Nov 10, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Lineleaf Whitepuff Added new photos
Nov 10, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Regal Earth-Boring Dung Beetle Added a new species
Nov 10, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Western Patch-Nosed Snake Added new photos
Nov 10, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Dyebush Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Lily Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Spinystar Added new photos
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Cooper's Rubberweed Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Palmer's Penstemon Added new photos
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Snowberry Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Siler's Penstemon Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Rubber Rabbitbrush Added a new species
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Woolly Cinquefoil Added new photos
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Lobeleaf Groundsel Added new photos
Nov 09, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Horned Spurge Added a new species (perennial forb #90)
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Lewis' Flax Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Alpine Biscuitroot Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Ants Tending Aphids Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Narrowleaf Cottonwood Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Tufted Evening Primrose Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Howard's Evening Primrose Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Fernbush Added a new species
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Habitat Types Bristlecone Pine Forest Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Habitat Types Alpine Tundra Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Habitat Types Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Hiking, General Information Leave No Trace Camping Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Purple Sage Added a new species (shrub #110)
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Yucca Banana Yucca Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Bearpoppy Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Leaf-cutter Bee Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Grizzlybear Cactus Added new photos
Nov 08, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Scarlet Gaura Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Water Speedwell Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Gooseberryleaf Globemallow Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Smoothstem Blazingstar Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Minthorn's Milkvetch Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Searls' Prairieclover Added new photos
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Douglas' Dustymaiden Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Frasera Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Fendler's Sandmat Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Northern Bog Violet Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Black Medick Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Watercress Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Clokey Milkvetch Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spring Mts Icarioides Blue Butterfly Added new photos
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Charleston Phacelia Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Seep Monkeyflower Added a new species
Nov 07, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Alkali Buttercup Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Willow Dock Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Thickstem Wild Cabbage Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Wild Crab Apple Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Panamint Mountains Buckwheat Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Ceanothus Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Torrey's Jointfir Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Polished Blazingstar Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Small Ground Mantid Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Virgin River Cryptantha Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Crescent Milkvetch Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Shockley's Buckwheat Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Feral Horse Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Hiking, Other Areas Lone Mountain Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Apache Plume Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Silver Cholla Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Western Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Non-vascular Moss Added new photos
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs James' Cryptantha Added a new species
Nov 06, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Charleston Mountain Violet Added a new species
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Wax Currant Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Crab Spider Added a new species
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Deciduous Trees Rocky Mountain Maple Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees Limber Pine Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees Ponderosa Pine Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees Rocky Mountain Juniper Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees Bristlecone Pine Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees White Fir Added new photos
Nov 04, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs King's Angelica Added a new species
Nov 04, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spittlebugs Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Deciduous Trees Water Birch Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Beckwith's Milkvetch Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Mining Bees Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Small Wirelettuce Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Fivespot Added new photos of seeds
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Annual Toothleaf Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Monarch Butterfly Added new photos
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Small Milkweed Bug Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Rush Milkweed Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Yucca Buckwheat Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs California Jointfir Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Senna Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Scentless Plant Bug Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Lygus Bug Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs White Bursage Added new photos of seeds
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Cheesebush Added new photos of seeds
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Added new photos of seeds
Nov 02, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Narrowleaf Silverbush Added a new species
Nov 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Planthoppers Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Pencil Cholla Added new photos
Nov 01, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Desert Iguana Added new photos of scat
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Bladderpod Spiderflower Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Jackrabbit Added new photos and text
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Thurber's Sandpaper Plant Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Shortpod Mustard Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Scaly-stemmed Sand Plant Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Winterfat Added a new species
Nov 01, 2010 Vegetation, Vegetation Type Shadscale Scrub Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Woollystar Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Scoliid Wasp Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Chalcid Wasp Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Eastern Mojave Buckwheat Added new photos
Oct 31, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Shadscale Saltbush Added new photos
Oct 31, 2010 Hiking, General Information Leave No Trace Waste Added new photos
Oct 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Aphids Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Unidentified Wasps Added a new species
Oct 31, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Boxelder Added new photos
Oct 31, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Western White Clematis Added new photos
Oct 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Shining Leaf Chafer Beetle Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Darkthroat Shootingstar Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Longhorned Beetles Added several new species
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Smallflower Sandverbena Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Big-Eyed Toad Bug Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Cicada Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Hiking, General Information Leave No Trace campsites Added new photos
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Mancos Columbine Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Non-vascular Thallose Liverworts Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Western Poison Ivy Added a new species
Oct 30, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Ringtail Added new photos
Oct 30, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Gilia Beardtongue Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Goodding's Willow Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Leaf Beetles Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Water Boatman Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Narrowleaf Willow Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Non-vascular Shelf Fungus Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Snakefly Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Non-vascular Slime Mold Added a new species
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Black Bear Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Amphibians Pacific Chorus Frog Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Elkweed Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Deer Mouse Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Brown-headed Cowbird Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Smoketree Added new photos
Oct 29, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Long-tailed Pocket Mouse Added new photos
Oct 28, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Fourwing Saltbush Added new photos
Oct 28, 2010 Area, Mojave National Preserve Cima Store Added new photos
Oct 28, 2010 Area, Mojave National Preserve Mojave Preserve Overview Added new photos
Oct 26, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Centipede Added a new species
Oct 24, 2010 Postcards Yosemite Backpack Added new photos
Oct 23, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates West Coast Lady Butterfly Added new photos
Oct 23, 2010 Aircraft, Military Fixed Wing MV-22B Osprey Added a new species
Oct 23, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Fixed Wing Air Force One Added a new species
Oct 21, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Woolly Brickellbush Added a new species
Oct 20, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Added new photos
Oct 20, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Yellow-bellied Marmot Added new photos
Oct 20, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Long-tailed Weasel Added new photos of scat
Oct 20, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Gypsy Moth Trap Added new photos
Oct 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Wild Rose Added a new species
Oct 19, 2010 Vegetation, Aquatics Smooth Horsetail Added new photos
Oct 18, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Western White Clematis Added a new species
Oct 17, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Flatbud Pricklypoppy Added a new species
Oct 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black Fly Larvae Added a new species
Oct 17, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Greasewood Added a new species
Oct 17, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Western Fence Lizard Added new photos
Oct 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Prickly Wirelettuce Added a new species
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Crane Fly Added a new species
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Turtles Desert Tortoise Added new photos
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Creosote Gall Midge Added a new species
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Desert Horned Lizard Added new photos
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Tenebrionid Beetles Added new photos
Oct 16, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Banded Gecko Added new photos
Oct 15, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Golden Velvet Ant Added a new species
Oct 15, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Side-blotched Lizard Added new photos
Oct 15, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Mesquite Mistletoe Added new photos, mesquite in creosote bush
Oct 15, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Rambur's Forktail Damselfly Added a new species
Oct 14, 2010 Wildlife, Birds White-faced Ibis Added new photos
Oct 14, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Velvet Ants Added new photos and new species
Oct 14, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Mountain Lion Added new photos of scat
Oct 03, 2010 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Clark County Wetlands Park Update; open with improvements
Oct 03, 2010 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Henderson BVP Update; now open with improvements
Sep 26, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Red-shouldered Hawk Added a new species
Sep 25, 2010 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Trail Canyon Trail Update and new photos
Sep 04, 2010 Aircraft, Plane Spotting Creech Air Force Base Added a new area
Sep 04, 2010 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve Update; the area remains closed
Sep 04, 2010 Birding, Northwest of Las Vegas Torrance Ranch Update and new photos
Sep 04, 2010 Birding, Northwest of Las Vegas Indian Springs Treatment Ponds Update and new photos
Aug 29, 2010 Hiking, Red Rocks Icebox Canyon Added new photos
Aug 29, 2010 Backroads, Desert NWR Joe May Canyon Road Added a new backroad
Aug 29, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Cleopatra Wash Complete update; added more photos
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Fortification Hill Complete update; added GPS file
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Goldstrike Hot Springs Complete update; added historical photos
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Red Rocks Birdspring Mountain Added new photos, GPS file
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Frenchman Mountain Added new photos
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Death Valley Salt Creek Added new photos
Aug 28, 2010 Hiking, Death Valley Racetrack Playa Updated photos
Aug 28, 2010 Area, Death Valley Death Valley Area Overview Updated format, photos
Aug 27, 2010 Hiking, Death Valley Harmon Borax Works Added a new hike
Aug 26, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forb Gravel Ghost Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forb Golden Desert-snapdragon Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Vegetation, Annual Forb Hairy Prairie Clover Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Crucifixion Thorn Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Cory's [Oak] Mistletoe Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Hiking Hidden Forest Cabin Restoration Added new photos (interior)
Aug 26, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Model Aircraft Added a new species
Aug 26, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Motorized Paragliding Added a new species
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals American Pika Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Bee-like Robber Flies Added a new species
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Lodgepole Chipmunk Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Douglas' Squirrel Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals California Mule Deer Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Killdeer Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Belding's Ground Squirrel Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Yellow-bellied Marmot Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Common Raven Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals California Ground Squirrel Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Brook Trout Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Mountain Bluebirds Added new photos
Aug 25, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Sparrow Added new photos of juvenile birds
Aug 24, 2010 Birding Torrance Ranch Updated, added photos
Aug 23, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Snakes Updated taxonomy, added photos
Aug 08, 2010 Backroads, Desert NWR Mormon Well Road Updated road conditions
Aug 08, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Spiny Goldenweed Added a new species
Aug 07, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Speckled Rattlesnake Added new photos
Aug 07, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Catclaw Acacia Added new photos
Aug 07, 2010 Vegetation, Trees Smoketree Added a new species
Aug 07, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Long-tailed Pocket Mouse Added new photos
Aug 07, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Round-tailed Ground Squirrel Added a new species
Aug 01, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Utah Swallow-Wort (milkweed) Added a new species
Aug 01, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Cottontop Cactus Added new photos
Aug 01, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Horsebrush Added new photos
Jul 31, 2010 Hiking, Grand Canyon Cave of the Domes Added new photos
Jul 31, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Ironclad Beetle Added a new species
Jul 31, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Barn Owl Added new photos
Jul 25, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates White Velvet Ant Added new photos
Jul 25, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Red Velvet Ant Added new photos
Jul 24, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Vivid Dancer Damselfly Added new photos
Jul 24, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Marine Blue Butterfly Added new photos
Jul 24, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Queen Butterfly Added a new species
Jul 24, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Carpenter Bee Added a new species
Jul 24, 2010 Wildlife, Birds LeConte's Thrasher Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ash-throated Flycatcher Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Rock Squirrel Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Eastern Fence Lizard Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Speckled Dace Added a new species
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Tree Lizard Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Powdered Dancer Damselfly Added a new species
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Common Raven Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Violet-green Swallow Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Red-tailed Hawk Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Cliff Chipmunk Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Western Fence Lizard Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Great Basin Collared Lizard Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blow-flies Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Northern White-Skipper Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Tortoiseshell Butterfly Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Marine Blue Butterfly Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler Added new photos
Jul 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Western Tanager Added new photos
Jul 12, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Western Bluebird Added new photos
Jul 12, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Townsend's Solitaire Added new photos
Jul 12, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Red Crossbill Added new photos
Jul 12, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Pygmy Nuthatch Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Dusky Flycatcher Added a new species
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lazuli Bunting Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Hermit Thrush Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gray Flycatcher Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Dark-eyed Junco Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Chipping Sparrow Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Finch Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Band-tailed Pigeon Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Broad-tailed Hummingbird Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Gray Warbler Added new photos
Jul 11, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Brown Creeper Added new photos
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Mediterranean Gecko Added new photos of mating pair
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Green Lacewings Added new photos of eggs
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Creeping Water Bugs Added new photos
Jul 08, 2010 Hiking Leave-No-Trace Food Storage Added information and photos
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Common Collared Lizard Added a new species
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Antlion Added new photos
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Channel Catfish Added new photos
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Amphibians Red-spotted Toad Added new photos including scat and tracks
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Snakes Midget Faded Rattlesnake Added a new species
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Amphibians Woodhouse’s Toad Added new photos including scat and tracks
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Water Beetles Added new photos
Jul 08, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Mahonia Added new photos of fruits
Jul 08, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Fireflies Added a new species
Jul 08, 2010 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trail Updated trail information and photos
Jul 07, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Hopi Chipmunk Added a new species
Jun 28, 2010 Hiking, Mt. Charleston North Loop Trail Added waypoints file
Jun 28, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Varied Thrush Added new photos
Jun 28, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-headed Grosbeak Added new photos
Jun 27, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Cliff Chipmunk Added new photos
Jun 27, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Grace's Warbler Added a new species
Jun 24, 2010 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest - water is available Updated trail information
Jun 20, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Domestic Cattle Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Shrub Buckwheats Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Beavertail Pricklypear Cactus Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert-Holly Saltbush Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Petroglyphs Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Petroglyphs Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Silver Cholla Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Common Fishhook Cactus Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Forbs Mojave Pricklypoppy Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Odora Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Forbs Yellow Nightshade Groundcherry Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Bush Arrowleaf Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Catclaw Acacia Added new photos
Jun 19, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Striped Bass Added a new species
Jun 19, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Mesquite Mistletoe Added a new species
Jun 18, 2010 Hiking, Grand Canyon Hance Creek Camp Added a new campsite
Jun 18, 2010 Hiking, Grand Canyon Page Spring Trail Added new photos, GPX file, general upgrade
Jun 18, 2010 Hiking, Grand Canyon Grandview Trail Added new photos, GPX file, general upgrade
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf Added a new species
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Perennial Forb Hartweg's Twinevine (milkweed) Added a new species
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Buckhorn Cholla Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Tulip Pricklypear Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Forbs Palmer's Phacelia Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Gold Butte Gold Butte Area Overview Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Gold Butte Petroglyphs Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Non-Vascular Biological Soil Crusts Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Big Sagebrush Added a new species
Jun 17, 2010 Vegetation, Conifer Trees Utah Juniper Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Backroads, Desert Wildlife Range Mormon Well Road Added new photos
Jun 17, 2010 Birding, Desert Wildlife Range Yucca Forest Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Hiking, Desert Wildlife Range Quail Spring Guzzler Added a new hike
Jun 16, 2010 Hiking, Desert Wildlife Range Gass Peak Traditional Campsite 2 Added a new campsite
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus Cottontop Cactus Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Fourwing Saltbush Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs White Bursage Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Globemallow Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Sweetbush Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Shrubs Broom Snakeweed Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Yucca Joshua Tree Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Yucca Mojave Yucca Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Cactus California Barrel Cactus Added new photos
Jun 16, 2010 Vegetation, Non-vascular Lichens Added a new species
Jun 16, 2010 Hiking Leave No Trace Added new pages and info
Jun 15, 2010 Aircraft, Military Unmarked USAF jet Added a new species
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Vireo Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Sidewinders mating Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Desert Iguana Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Desert Spiny Lizard Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Desert Tortoise Drinking Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Desert Tortoise Eating Cactus Added new photos
Jun 15, 2010 Wildlife, Reptiles Chuckwalla Added new photos
Jun 14, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Burrowing Owl Added new photos
Jun 10, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Desert Cottontail Added new photos
Jun 10, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Willet Added new photos
Jun 10, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Merlin Added a new species
Jun 10, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lesser Yellowlegs Added a new species
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Long-billed Curlew Added a new species
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Greater Yellowlegs Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gambel's Quail Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Common Ground-Dove Added a new species
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Caspian Tern Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cattle Egret Added a new species
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Burrowing Owl Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Brown Pelican Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds American White Pelican Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Long-billed Dowitcher Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Virginia Rail Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Snowy Egret Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Birding Salton Sea Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Least Sandpiper Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Eared Grebe Added new photos
Jun 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Bonaparte's Gull Added a new species
Jun 09, 2010 Backroads, Desert Range Pine Nut Road Added a new backroad
Jun 08, 2010 Backroads, Desert Range Gass Peak Road Added a new backroad
Jun 07, 2010 Backroads, Gold Butte Gold Butte Road, paved section Added new photos
Jun 06, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-necked Stilt Added new photos
Jun 06, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-bellied Plover Added a new species
Jun 06, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Phainopepla Added new photos
Jun 06, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Mockingbird Added new photos
Jun 06, 2010 Wildlife, Birds American Avocet Added new photos
Jun 05, 2010 Wilderness Areas Spirit Mountain Wilderness Area Added new photos
Jun 05, 2010 Backroads, Lake Mead Nevada Telephone Cove Road Added a new backroad
Jun 05, 2010 Backroads, Lake Mead Lower Grapevine Canyon Road Added a new backroad
Jun 04, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Variegated Meadowhawk Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Magpie Jay Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Helicopter, Schweizer Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Float Plane Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Balloons Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Virgin America Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-crowned Night Heron Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Pintail Added a new species
Jun 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Green-winged Teal Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Los Angeles DWP Helicopters Added new photos
Jun 04, 2010 Vegetation, annual plants Holy Dandelion Added a new species
May 30, 2010 Vegetation, sensitive species Nye Milkvetch Added a new species
May 30, 2010 Vegetation, sensitive species Three-corner Milkvetch Added a new species
May 30, 2010 Vegetation, sensitive species Indian Breadroot Added a new species
May 29, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Bee Flies Added a new species
May 28, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Longhorn Beetle Added a new species
May 11, 2010 Birding, Desert NWR Corn Creek Added new photos
May 07, 2010 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest Cabin Update route conditions
May 03, 2010 Wildlife Bobcat Added new photos
Apr 10, 2010 Vegetation, Wildflowers Desert Fivespot Added new photos
Apr 06, 2010 Aircraft, Civilian Nevada Highway Patrol aircraft Added new photos
Apr 06, 2010 Yucca Mountain Yucca Mountain Updated, added new photos
Apr 05, 2010 Hiking, Desert NWR Gass Spring Added a new hike
Apr 05, 2010 Hiking, Desert NWR Gass Peak Upgraded map, added waypoint file
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Big Morongo Preserve Added new photos
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Added new photos
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Hassayampa Roadside Rest Area Added new photos
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Added new site
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Arcata Marsh Added new photos
Apr 02, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places Salton Sea Added new site (been working on this since 2002)
Apr 02, 2010 Hiking, Death Valley Sidewinder Canyon Updated route description
Mar 21, 2010 Backroads, Gold Butte Region Mud Wash Road Added a new road description
Mar 21, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Region Whitney Pocket CCC Store Room Added a new short walk
Mar 21, 2010 About Me About Me Added new photos and text
Mar 20, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Region Falling Man Rock Art Site Added new photos
Mar 20, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Region Bauer Mine Added new photos
Mar 20, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Region Whitney Pocket CCC Dam Added a new short walk
Mar 20, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Region Whitney Pocket Added new photos
Mar 20, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Mule Deer Updated, new photos of scat
Mar 20, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Sowbugs Added a new Order and Species
Mar 20, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pillbugs Added a new Order and Species
Mar 19, 2010 Vegetation King Bladderpod Added new photos
Mar 19, 2010 Vegetation Utah Agave Added new photos
Mar 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ladder-backed Woodpecker Added new photos
Mar 17, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Fairy Shrimp Added new photos
Mar 17, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Merriam's Kangaroo Rat Added new photos
Mar 17, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Coyote Added new photos
Mar 16, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Pocket Mouse burrow Added new photos
Mar 16, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spider holes Added new photos
Mar 16, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals White-tailed Antelope Squirrel Updated, new photos of scat
Mar 15, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Velvet Mites Added a new species
Mar 15, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Liberty Bell Arch Updated route description, new photos
Mar 09, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Ringtail Added new photos of sign
Mar 09, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Long-tailed Weasel Added new photos of sign
Mar 09, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Badger Added new photos of burrows
Mar 09, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Kit Fox Added new photos of burrows and tracks
Mar 01, 2010 Hiking, Arrow Canyon Range Big Arrow Peak Upgraded route description, new photos
Mar 01, 2010 Hiking, Arrow Canyon Range Click Map Added a click map for hiking routes
Mar 01, 2010 Aircraft, Military UH-72 Lakota Added a new species
Feb 28, 2010 Rock Art Rock Art Upgraded all rock art pages, new photos
Feb 28, 2010 Rock Art Rock Etchings -- New or Old Added information on aging rock etchings
Feb 28, 2010 Hiking, Mount Charleston Mary Jane Falls Trail Upgraded route description
Feb 28, 2010 Hiking, Zion Observation Point Upgraded route description
Feb 28, 2010 Vegetation Rocky Mountain Maple Added a new species
Feb 27, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Arizona Hot Spring (White Rock) Upgraded route description
Feb 27, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Arizona Hot Spring (Hot Spr Cyn) Upgraded route, added alternate route
Feb 27, 2010 Vegetation Antelope Bitterbrush Added photos
Feb 25, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA La Madre Miner's Cabin and Mine Upgraded route description, added mine info
Feb 25, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA La Madre Spring Trail Upgraded route description, added new photos
Feb 25, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA Upper Lost Creek Falls Added new photos
Feb 23, 2010 All Areas Backroads Around Las Vegas Added a new section to the website
Feb 22, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Spooky Canyon Added a new route
Feb 12, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA Moenkopi Trail Updated text, added new photos
Feb 12, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Natural Bridge Edited text, added photos
Feb 10, 2010 Gold Butte Region Devil's Cove Road Added a new road description
Feb 10, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Redstone Scramble Added a new route
Feb 10, 2010 Gold Butte Region Gold Butte Townsite Edited text, added photos
Feb 10, 2010 Gold Butte Region Black Butte Road Added a new road description
Feb 09, 2010 Lake Mead NRA Callville Wash South Road Added a new road description
Feb 08, 2010 Gold Butte Region Scanlon Ferry Road Added a new road description
Feb 08, 2010 Glossary Road: 2WD vs. 4WD Added a new glossary page
Feb 08, 2010 Lake Mead NRA El Dorado Jeep Trail Added a new road description
Feb 07, 2010 Gold Butte Region Gold Butte Road (unpaved section) Added a new road description
Feb 07, 2010 Gold Butte Region Gold Butte Road (paved section) Added a new road description
Feb 07, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Scanlon Dugway Added a new route
Feb 07, 2010 Glossary Mine Shafts vs. Adits Added a new glossary page
Feb 06, 2010 Lake Mead NRA Callville Wash North Road Added a new road description
Feb 02, 2010 Hiking, Wee Thump Wilderness BLM "Spirit of Wilderness" Trail Added a new route
Feb 02, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Falling Man Rock Art Site Added a new route
Feb 02, 2010 Hiking, Arrow Canyon Range Arrow Canyon Updated photos and text
Jan 31, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Redstone Picnic Area Loop Updated photos and text
Jan 25, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places far away Lamoille Canyon Added new birding location
Jan 25, 2010 Birding, Favorite Places far away Ruby Lake NWR Added new birding location
Jan 25, 2010 Birding, Lake Mead Rogers Spring Added new photos, updated information
Jan 25, 2010 Birding, Lake Mead Blue Point Spring Added new photos, updated information
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Zion National Park Angel's Landing Trail Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA Great Circle Loop Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA Children's Discovery Trail Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Hole-in-the-Wall Loop Trail Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Grapevine Canyon Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Cleopatra Wash Added Trailhead area map
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Area Virgin Peak Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 22, 2010 Hiking, Gold Butte Area Lime Canyon Added GPS Waypoints
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Honey Bee Added a new species
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Sparrow Added new photos
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lawrence's Goldfinch Added a new species
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Amphibians Canyon Treefrog Added new photos
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Great Spreadwing Damselfly Added a new species
Jan 21, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Water Beetles Added a new species
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds White-crowned Sparrow Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lincoln's Sparrow Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Long-billed Dowitcher Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Pectoral Sandpiper Added a new species
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Great Blue Heron Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Orange-crowned Warbler Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Western Tanager Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Mockingbird Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Loggerhead Shrike Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ladder-backed Woodpecker Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lazuli Bunting Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gilded Flicker Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Great Horned Owl Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cactus Wren Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Crissal Thrasher Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Bullock's Oriole Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Say's Phoebe Added new photos
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ring-necked Pheasant Added a new species
Jan 20, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blue Dasher Dragonfly Added a new species
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blue-eyed Darner Dragonfly Added a new species
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Rufous Hummingbird Added new photos
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black Tern Added new photos
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Wilson's Snipe Added new photos
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Bank Swallow Added a new species
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Eastern Kingbird Added new photos
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Sagebrush Vole Added a new species
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Mountain Cottontail Added new photos
Jan 19, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Common Thread-waisted Wasp Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Common Wood Nymph Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Red-tailed Hawk Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Virginia's Warbler Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Gray Warbler Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates American Rubyspot Damselfly Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Rock Squirrel Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-capped Chickadee Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Mule Deer Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Downy Woodpecker Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Plateau Striped Whiptail Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-chinned Hummingbird Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Bighorn Sheep Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals American Bison Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Utah Prairie Dog Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Northern Plateau Lizard Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Unita Chipmunk Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Violet-green Swallow Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cliff Swallow Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Lupine Blue Butterfly Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Scott's Oriole Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pallid-winged Grasshopper Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds California Condor Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Wasp Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Feral Horse Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Great Basin Collared Lizard Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Great Horned Owl Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds White-winged Dove Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Summer Tanager Added a new species
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Sagebrush Lizard Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Mockingbird Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds House Finch Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Tropical Aquarium Fish Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Common Chuckwalla Added new photos
Jan 18, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Eurasian Collared-Dove Added new photos
Jan 17, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Domestic Sheep Added a new species
Jan 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Western Meadowlark Added new photos
Jan 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Chukar Added new photos
Jan 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds American Coot Added new photos
Jan 17, 2010 Wildlife, Birds California Gull Added new photos
Jan 16, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Cottonwood Spring Added new photo, minor updates
Jan 13, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Patch Butterfly Added a new species
Jan 13, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Juniper Titmouse Added new photos
Jan 13, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead AZ Hot Springs Ladder Bypass Updated info
Jan 12, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Common Raven Added new photos
Jan 12, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Wild Burro Added new photos
Jan 12, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Harris' Antelope Squirrel Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Vermilion Flycatcher Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Texan Crescent Butterfly Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Hispid Cotton Rat Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Swamp Sparrow Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Pyrrhuloxia Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Mexican Duck Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Plumbeous Vireo Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Greater Scaup Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Elegant Trogon Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Common Merganser Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Canyon Towhee Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-and-White Warbler Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Blue-winged Teal Added a new species
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black Phoebe Added new photos
Jan 09, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-capped Gnatcatchers Added a new species
Jan 08, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Abert's Towhee Added new photos
Jan 08, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals White-tailed Deer Added new photos
Jan 08, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Arizona Gray Squirrel Added a new species
Jan 08, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Yellow-eyed Junco Added a new species
Jan 08, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Wild Turkey Added new photos
Jan 07, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Goldstrike Hot Springs Updated hot pools information
Jan 06, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Hot Spring Canyon Minor Updates
Jan 06, 2010 Hiking, Lake Mead Arizona Hot Springs Minor Updates
Jan 05, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Painted Redstart Added a new species
Jan 05, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Mexican Jay Added a new species
Jan 05, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Hepatic Tanager Added a new species
Jan 05, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Bridled Titmouse Added a new species
Jan 05, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Acorn Woodpecker Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Spiny-tailed Iguana Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Northern River Otter Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Raccoon Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pipevine Swallowtail Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Ocelot Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Mountain Lion Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Longfin Dace Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Lizards Banded Gila Monster Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Desert Cottontail Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals White-nosed Coati Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Black-tailed Prairie Dog Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Bobcat Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Beaver Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Harris' Antelope Squirrel Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds White-winged Dove Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Western Screech-Owl Added new photos
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Lilac-crowned Parrot Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Rufous-winged Sparrow Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Pyrrhuloxia Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Cardinal Added a new species
Jan 04, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Masked Bobwhite Quail Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Harris' Hawk Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gray Hawk Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gilded Flicker Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Great Horned Owl Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gambel's Quail Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ferruginous Hawk Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Elf Owl Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Cactus Wren Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Chihuahuan Raven Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Curve-billed Thrasher Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Band-tailed Pigeon Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Broad-billed Hummingbird Added a new species
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Barn Owl Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Abert's Towhee Added new photos
Jan 03, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gila Woodpecker Added a new species
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Brown-headed Cowbird Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Northern Shoveler Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Rock Pigeon Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Great-tailed Grackle Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Gambel's Quail Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Canvasback Duck Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Indian Runner Duck Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ross' Goose Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Ring-necked Duck Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Redhead Duck Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Muscovy Duck Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Long-tailed Duck Added a new species
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds American Wigeon Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Mammals Desert Bighorn Sheep Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Sage Sparrow Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Peregrine Falcon Added new photos
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Familiar Bluet Damselfly Added a new species
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Vivid Dancer Damselfly Added a new species
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Fish Convict Cichlid Added a new species
Jan 02, 2010 Wildlife, Birds Rock Wren Added new photos
Jan 01, 2010 Wildlife, Invertebrates Variegated Meadowhawk Dragonfly Added new photo

For previous updates, check the 2009 archives.
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240906

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